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Carolina First Bank / Willis Chiro Med, 7171 Two Notch Road: 2010   5 comments

Posted at 12:09 am in Uncategorized

This smallish building on a Two Notch side Columbia Mall outparcel was obviously once a bank. I really like the design, especially the endpiece which sits closest to Two Notch, and which looks like a grooved VHS cassette stood up against the rest of the building. It's just a nice little grace note that gives the building a certain retro aesthetic (it was supposedly built in 1967 which would predate the mall itself by around ten years).

WIllis Chiro Med was in the building for a number of years, something I would vaguely notice driving by. I'm not exactly sure when they closed, but given that they are listed in the current 2011 phonebook, it must have been well into 2010.

Written by ted on March 28th, 2011

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5 Responses to 'Carolina First Bank / Willis Chiro Med, 7171 Two Notch Road: 2010'

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  1. That is a cool old bank building. Another cool one is the one in front of Kroger on Forest Dr. I'd hoped when the original bank moved out someone would make it a bar.


    28 Mar 11 at 5:16 am

  2. It was a bank. It was a branch of the 5 Poinrs Savings and Loan who's main office (still standing) was near the corner of Saluda and Blossom. This branch was a small replica of what the Blossom Street location looked like at the time.


    28 Mar 11 at 5:30 am

  3. I think this was a Carolina First, until around 2000. The bank in Five Points was called "Omni Savings Bank" until the early 1990s. I don't know whether the name change was the result of rebranding or acquisitions, though.


    28 Mar 11 at 9:18 am

  4. Yep, "Carolina First" it was -- I'll add that to the title.

    @CDG -- that's BB&T in front of Kroger, and it is definitely a neat building.


    28 Mar 11 at 11:07 pm

  5. Between it being 5 Points S&L and Omni, it was First Palmetto S & L


    29 Mar 11 at 8:01 am

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