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Taylor's Family Restaurant, Fire Lane Drive: 1990s   2 comments

Posted at 4:56 pm in Uncategorized

Taylor's was a meat & three on Fire Lane Drive, opposite what was then The Spring Valley Theaters (which is now the Lowes site), and beside (logically enough given the road name) the fire station.

I remember the place as being nice enough, but not, in my mind, as good as Lizard's Thicket. My mother liked it better though, so we went there fairly often when she was in the mood. I do remember liking the cornbread quite a bit, though I can't recall exactly why right now. I don't know the why of this either, but eventually the place stopped working as a restaurant and switched over to a catering service. Perhaps the location was simply too hard to spot from Two Notch Road, though as you can see, they had a highly visible sign which still remains even after the catering operation has changed names to A & J.

Written by ted on September 4th, 2008

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2 Responses to 'Taylor's Family Restaurant, Fire Lane Drive: 1990s'

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  1. Taylors was originally located in a small Pure Oil, later Union 76, auto plaza/truck stop at I-20 and Two Notch Rd. back in the late 60s-early 70s, where the Chineese place is now. I remember it was a very popular stop for years.


    5 Sep 08 at 2:51 pm

  2. The plaza at Two Notch & I-20 was Elliot's, who moved across Two Notch to where the Lizard's Thicket is now.
    After Elliot's it was JJ's. Jack & Jerry sold JJ's & it was torn down to build the ill fated dElights fast food place. Don't know if Harold Taylor was ever in that locaton, I belive Taylor's was origionally downtown on Sumter Street


    30 Dec 09 at 7:31 pm

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