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Rainy Day Pal Books, 711 East Main Street Suite H: 16 July 2017   1 comment

Posted at 12:13 am in closing








This old school used book store was on the upper level of the Old Mill on US-1 in Lexington. I stopped by back in May when I was having lunch at the brewpub. They had a nice selection of SF -- I even picked up some A. E. Van Vogt in French. Not that I could read them. At one time I probably had a grade-school understanding, but that's long gone. At any rate though, he always said he was more popular in France than the US because his translations were done by a French poet. They're certainly not exemplary prose in English, but that Van Vogt dream logic pulls you in..

The later pictures are from August.

There is a nice little farewell message on the shop's Facebook Page.

(Hat tip to commenter James R)

Written by ted on August 25th, 2017

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One Response to 'Rainy Day Pal Books, 711 East Main Street Suite H: 16 July 2017'

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  1. The owner of this shop was well-meaning, but he would often engage customers in lengthy conversations about the news, celebrity gossip, whatever. He could also be a little pushy when recommending other books. Sometimes I would try to pay and he would insist on walking me around the shop again, pointing out this book and that one.

    There were a lot of books at great prices. I would go there if it was still open.


    27 Jun 24 at 3:59 pm

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