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Ms. B's Southern Kitchen, 1213 Sunset Boulevard: 28 June 2015   4 comments

Posted at 12:45 am in closing








Here's another home-cookin' type restaurant I never got around to trying, this one in the old Southern Skillet location in West Columbia across from New Brookland Baptist.

I like comfort food but I tend to eat lunch later than they were open, and it's a long way to drive..

Written by ted on August 4th, 2015

4 Responses to 'Ms. B's Southern Kitchen, 1213 Sunset Boulevard: 28 June 2015'

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  1. Ms. B's, must have not wanted us to know if she had a man or not. Whatever her marital status, she did not stay open enough hours per day to pay the rent. Must have not been a man in her life or he would have told her so.
    Maybe she closed early to go looking for a man, then again maybe she opened late because she stayed out late looking for a man. Maybe she had a man and didn't have time to work. Maybe she was busy cooking for her man that stayed home. Maybe she was gay. Why be open on Sunday and not Saturday? Maybe she was a Mormon. to many questions here to answer. And now IT IS the way it used to be, not open.


    8 Aug 15 at 2:15 pm

  2. Maybe she and Mr. B from the railroad tavern decided to hook up and retire together to a balmy island resort. Now they are both retired and basking in the Barbados or Bermuda sun. Maybe they can build a new business that the Bermudans or Barbadians(?) can enjoy. Maybe a new bar or bistro in a huge bamboo hut. He can be tossing out some Bud's, Beam's and Bacardi's while she's cooking up some killer burgers and brats on homemade buns.


    9 Aug 15 at 4:22 am

  3. Perhaps Ms. B fell into some of the pitfalls that upstart restaurants fall into where the customer base was a little too slow to make it work and so she's off to other ventures that will work out better. That or Ms. B got burned out with the work to payoff ratio and needs the time to enjoy family and friends.

    As for being closed on Saturday it could be that she needed that day to regroup and prepare for the following week...Chick-Fil-A being closed on Sunday (per a video someone in the Cathy family I saw on the website one time several years ago) was that it was that it gave people a chance to rest and regroup as well as worship and so perhaps her lifestyle on Saturdays lead her to decide that would be her day.

    Whatever the case, this restaurant, at the end of the day, lacked staying power to continue on so only time will tell what becomes of all of this.


    9 Aug 15 at 2:22 pm

  4. C'mon Andrew, can't you roll with a joke? You need to learn how to have fun on here while still contributing pertinent information!!!


    10 Aug 15 at 2:36 am

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