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Archive for the ‘WZRB’ tag

WZRB CW-47, 1747 Cushman Drive: 17 March 2014   7 comments

Posted at 10:56 pm in Uncategorized

My sister mentioned to me tonight that the only channel that *always* came in clear at her house, channel 47, was gone, and that the CW network it had carried had moved to channel 63.

Wikipedia confirms the move of the CW as of 17 March 2014, but says that WZRB is still carrying ION (which started on 10 Feburary 2014). However, my sister says she's getting nothing on channel 47, and the station website is "under construction", so I'm not sure what's going on there.

The station started out as a UPN affiliate, and seems to have had an interesting and somewhat fraught history according to that same Wikipedia article.

(Hat tip to my sister)

Written by ted on April 14th, 2014

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