Archive for the ‘811 US-1’ tag
Dave's Place, 811 US 1 (Lugoff): 30 September 2021 1 comment
When I was growing up, we used to drive through Lugoff probably more than a half dozen times a year, visiting relatives in Hartsville. After I-20 came through, I went that way much less frequently, though sometimes I would drive the US routes to Fayetteville when I lived there, and the Interstates were still double-nickle. During the last ten or more years though I have probably only been there once or twice, and the only place I ever really remember is the building with the car on the roof.
Which is to say I had not heard of Dave's until it came up in the comments, but a nice sunny afternoon seemed like a good time to make the drive. It looks like it was a relaxed sports-bar right on the main drag. I met a resident while I was there, who has, I think has found a good home.
(Hat tip to commenter Jimmy Freeman)