Archive for the ‘2719 Rosewood Drive’ tag
Rockaway Athletic Club, 2719 Rosewood Drive: 17 January 2024 6 comments
Well, that was quick, dang it!
I had some inchoate plans to finally get to Rockaway either for supper last Friday, or lunch last Saturday, but in the event the news of the closing spread so quickly, and the crowds were so thick that the club ran out of supplies several days in advance of their announced 21 January closing date.
Rockaway Athletic Club was one of those places I would think about two or three times a year and decide: Oh yeah, I've finally got to try that place out, but in the event I managed to go decades without ever stopping by and having the famous Pimento Burger, and now it's too late.
The State has the story, as does The Free Times.
Sic transit gloria mundi.
(Hat tip to commenter Heath)
Rosewood Florist, 2917 Rosewood Drive: December 2015 (moving?) 2 comments
We were having one of our many gray December rainy days while I was trying to get pictures of Rosewood Florist so I couldn't really frame anything except out the passenger side window without getting my lens wet.
Commenter Frank reported this store closed in early December, and it does seem to be up in the air at the moment. Their Facebook page reports, in a comment, that they are moving, but there are no details as yet.
(Hat tip to commenter Frank)