Archive for the ‘2200 Augusta Road’ tag
Eckerd Drugs, 2200 Augusta Road, April 2000 15 comments
Here's yet another of Columbia's (or West Columbia's in this case) former Eckerd Drugs locations, and like a number of former drugstores in the area, it's been re-purposed as a discount store, a Dollar General in this case. I didn't get any front-on shots because people were in and out constantly while I was parked next door at Walgreens, but it's the standard Eckerds look.
I'm not sure when the Walgreens went in, but its being there may have something to do with why this Eckerds did not continue life as a Rite Aid.
UPDATE 13 May 2011: Changed the closing date in the post title based on commenter Andrew's research.
UPDATE 10 August 2020: Add map icon, update tags.