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Bed Bath & Beyond, 6090 Garners Ferry Road Suite C: February 2023   7 comments

Posted at 11:12 pm in closing






The store at Shoppes at Woodhill is now part of the ongoing Bed Bath & Beyond collapse. I don't know exactly when this store will close, but the signs are already up, so I'll just mark it for this month in the post title.

I believe I have been in Bed Bath & Beyond about three times, and have never bought anything there. I guess there was a lot of that going 'round..

(Hat tip to commenter Larry)

Written by ted on February 15th, 2023

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7 Responses to 'Bed Bath & Beyond, 6090 Garners Ferry Road Suite C: February 2023'

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  1. I went there at least every other week to exchange a Sodastream CO2 cartridge. With the 20% off coupon, I could get the price down to $12.65. Now I'll have to go to Staples. ($16)

    Mr BO

    16 Feb 23 at 8:34 am

  2. I used to work at the World Market next to this BB&B. They were owned by the same company at the time. I would not be surprised if World Market closes more stores, too. Overpriced items. Ridiculous pressure to make customers sign up for the store membership. When people see $11 candy bars and $40 throw pillows, they don't feel a need to have a membership and shop there on a regular basis.

    Former WM Employee

    16 Feb 23 at 10:43 am

  3. If you went to college or maybe got your first apartment during the mid-90s or so, lots of your "first" stuff came from BB&B. Kitchen knives, pots & pans, bedding sets.

    Sad to see Bed Bath & Beyond fall on hard times. But, craptastic "upper management" will ruin even the best business.

    Lone Wolf

    17 Feb 23 at 8:11 am

  4. I went to college and had my first apartment in the '90s and none of my stuff ever came from BB&B. I remember going when they first opened and not being impressed. Sure, some of their stuff was nice, but I could find almost the exact same stuff at other stores for less money. The only times I've ever purchased anything from BB&B was when it involved a wedding registry. I hate to see them closing so many stores because that means people are losing their jobs, but I won't miss the store itself one little bit.


    17 Feb 23 at 11:52 pm

  5. I can attest to Lone Wolf's statement. I remember getting a lot of my first apartment and first house stuff from BB&B too in the 90s and early 2000s.


    18 Feb 23 at 1:38 pm

  6. I have encountered some rumblings that all remaining Bed Bath & Beyond will be completely closed by June 30, 2023. Today I noticed a 'store closing' sign in front of the Columbiana Station Bed Bath & Beyond (136 Harbison Blvd)...when that shopping center came online (ca. 1998/99) Bed Bath & Beyond was one of the tenants that helped open Columbiana Station...they were likewise one of the 'junior anchors' for Shoppes at Woodhill as it was redeveloped in 2004 (I'm not as clear how they came to Sparkleberry Square as that one took shape)...

    I have memories of getting different things there (most notably several Shark Cordless sweepers) over the years but now Bed Bath & Beyond is about to be history (just like Tuesday Morning is)...


    7 May 23 at 7:09 pm

  7. This store is now Barnes and Nobles

    Matthew Benjamin

    29 Apr 24 at 11:28 pm

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