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H. Rubin Vision Center, 7539 Garners Ferry Road: 2018   3 comments

Posted at 11:21 pm in closing








I know this H. Rubin location was open as late as November 2017, because the closing of the one on Forest Drive referred people to this site. Now this one refers them Knox Abbott.

Anyone know what Fley is?

UPDATE 11 July 2019 -- Now the new location for Elite Pawn & Gun:




Written by ted on May 22nd, 2018

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3 Responses to 'H. Rubin Vision Center, 7539 Garners Ferry Road: 2018'

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  1. Probably meant Flex as in the flex medical spending accounts.


    23 May 18 at 6:43 am

  2. I wonder if the whole chain is withering away... The last time I went to the Bush River Rd. location, they didn't have any contact lenses in stock... Some song and dance about "supplier issues" that sounded suspiciously like "we didn't pay them, so they didn't ship any more."


    23 May 18 at 11:01 am

  3. Pretty sure the Bush River Road is closed now too. Tried calling and the line was dead, drove by there in the middle of the week and not a car to be seen. Some kind of sign on window, but I didn't feel like fighting traffic to get there. Dr. Meredith was my eye doctor for 25 years, he was an okay dude, kinda weird but he got the job done. As far as the front office they only had a few years where there were stable, competent people. About 10 years ago they started rotating through staff and managers like hot cakes. About this time their quality control plummeted, they broke or incorrectly mounted several of my frames.

    Poor customer service, expensive prices, poor stock, lack of investment or updates equals out of business. With Walmart now nearby and within the next two exits it was only a matter of time. They helped back in the day before Walmart, growth around the area, and the explosion of optimists in the area they were the only show in this part of town.

    Funny note the inside of the store including the fixtures and smell has never changed since I was a kid. Something about that carpet shampoo they used combined with the eyeglass cleaner.


    24 Jun 18 at 2:07 am

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