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Happy 100th Birthday Miss Hampton!   2 comments

Posted at 11:25 pm in Uncategorized

I saw a little appreciation ad inside the front page of today's State to the effect that Mrs. Ann Hampton, the first princial of Satchel Ford Elementary School turned 100 years old today.

Mrs. (Or "Miss" as we called all our teachers then) Hampton was principal when I started first grade in 1967 and I think all the students there had an enormous amount of respect and affection for her. We never doubted that if we strayed, she would set us straight, but also never doubted that she had our best interests at heart. As I started second grade, she guided the school through the potentially difficult task of integrating both the student body and faculty, and as I recall it, things went very smoothly. We all looked forward to her daily morning messages over the intercom, and the programs she led in the cafetorium.

Today, the school is led by one of her onetime charges, and the ballfield behind the school bears her name.

Happy Birthday Miss Hampton!

Written by ted on February 12th, 2012

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2 Responses to 'Happy 100th Birthday Miss Hampton!'

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  1. I was a little Satchel Ford Road 1,2 and 3rd grader around 1962 or 63?, and "Miss Hampton" would always play the piano for us during lunch, and always smile and lean down to talk with us. She has been a member of my church for many years, and is a dear friend of our family. I missed the article in The State, but hoped that so many people would send her a birthday card. She is a very special person and deserves MORE than she will let people do! I was searching the net to see if anyone had acknowledged her birthday online...and YOU DID...THANKS...made me smile!!

    Lisa Tye

    23 Feb 12 at 9:05 pm

  2. Mrs. Hampton was my principal when I went to Satchel Ford also, roughly, 1964 through 67. WOW, You were always my favorite principal and I have never forgotten you!
    PS I remember playing kickball in those fields behind the school.

    Mark Grimes

    29 Oct 12 at 11:13 pm

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