Archive for the ‘laundry’ tag
2.50 Cleaners, 1637 Main Street: 2024 no comments
I noticed this place, in the Mast block, driving down Main Street the other day while I was looking for something else.
The latest google reviews are just dated "a year ago", so I can't say more than they probably closed in 2024.
Tripp's Fine Cleaners, 2750 North Lake Drive: 2023 2 comments
I noticed another closed Tripp's location the other day, this one in a nice end-cap at Murray Landing. Streetview says it was open as recently as September of 2022, so I'm going with 2023 for the closing date.
Kleen Kare Cleaners & Laundry, 6179 Saint Andrews Road: 2016 3 comments
Commenter Andrew mentioned back in 2016 that this Kleen Kare location had closing signage up, but I totally spaced on checking it out, and completely forgot about it until commenter Gypsie mentioned that the building was actually For Sale.
Kleen Kare is on an outparcel of Seven Oaks Shopping Center, not far from two other outparcels (here & here) which have also seen business shut semi-recently.
(Belated hat-tip to commenter Andrew, recent tip to commenter Gypsie)
Michael's Cleaners, 7000 Garners Ferry Road: 31 October 2022 2 comments
Here's another drycleaners which has recently shut down. Michael's was in a somewhat oddly situated lot in the midst of all the intersection crazyness at the Garners Ferry Road/Leesburg Road/I-77 interchange. It struck my notice a few years ago because their signboard was advertising a computer position, and I had to wonder what that would entail.
From their closing sign, it apppears that Halloween was their last day of operation.
Gillespie's Cleaners / Burnette's Cleaners, 5213 Trenholm Road: June 2022 (Moved) 1 comment
This building, next door to the Forest Acres City Hall, was a dry-cleaner for many years, starting as Gillespie's and then as Burnette's. For many of those years, the right-hand side of the building had a coin laundromat though that closed some time before Burnette's left for Forest Park, a block or so away.
The building sat empty for several years, until demolition started in late June of 2022. The building is now completely razed, which, with the old Russell & Jeffcoat lot adjacent to it also now bare gives a surprising amount of open space in central Forest Acres for new construction.
(Hat tip to my sister)
Lexington Dry Cleaning, 9557 Two Notch Road Suite A: 25 October 2019 (Moved) 2 comments
Lexington Dry Cleaning on Two Notch near Sesqui is moving, or consolidating, to Blythewood, leaving a vacancy in Sesqui Center. I find it interesting from their heads-up sign that they do a lot of their business by delivery now. I guess in the age of Amazon Prime, Grubhub and home grocery delivery that makes sense.
(Hat tip to commenter Thomas)
UPDATE 14 December 2021: Updating tags, closing date.
Mrs. C's Laundry, 535 Saint Andrews Road: Early 2015 2 comments
As commenter Andrew noted, Mrs. C's Laundry, next to Dutch Cleaners in the IGA plaza (which seems to have no name) has shut down.
(Hat tip to commenter Andrew)
Sub Station II / Laundromat, 181 Harry C Raysor Drive (St. Matthews): 2000s 9 comments
I noticed this pair of co-located derelict businesses driving US-601 through St. Matthews towards I-26 this Spring.
I wasn't sure at first what the restaurant was, but a close look at the menu board pretty well pins it down to a Sub Station II.
I can't think of any obvious reason why both businesses in this building would have failed at what seems to be more or less the same time. While the restaurant market is fickle, laundromats are places where you must go. I'm guessing early 2000s for the timeframe here, but the building does seem rather enthusiastically vine encrusted, and if the realtor posting the sign does succeed in selling the place, I doubt there's much that can be done beyond knocking the place down and starting over.
UPDATE 31 March 2022: Updating tags. I can't add a map icon because I have no idea where this was now.
UPDATE 1 April 2022: Commenter Andrew has located this place on Google maps (it was apparently still standing in 2018), and following his lead, I come up with the address of this place as (probably) 181 Harry C Raysor Drive, St. Matthews SC 29135. With that, I am able to make a map icon. Also, I will put that in the post title. Harry C Raysor Drive is the local name for US-601.
Coin Laundry, 1735 Decker Boulevard Unit 30: late 2000s 1 comment
This laundromat was in the Family Dollar plaza on Decker. I've been to several of the coin laundries on Decker over the years when either the washer or dryer was on the blink. My favorite is the one in front of the old Target which has very active family management -- there was always someone sweeping, mopping or otherwise keeping the place tidy, and once the woman in charge was taken aback by my incompetence at shirt folding and showed me how to do it right (it didn't take, I'm afraid). This one I never made it to.
The marquee name of Coin Laundry seems to be more a description than an official name, so I'm not exactly sure when it closed, but I'm guessing within the last few years.
El Cheapo Laundry, 2557 Millwood Avenue / El Cheapo, 2559 Millwood Avenue: Early September 2013 1 comment
I believe the El Cheapo branding for this Millwood laundromat is fairly recent. Before that, it was Suds or something like that. I don't think the convenience store was an El Cheapo until recently either.
At any rate, apparently both were now under the same ownership and failed together early this month.
I wonder if they will sell off the commercial washers -- those can be quite hardy units.