Archive for the ‘Forest Drive’ tag
Chipotle, 4840 Forest Drive Suite 16: December 2024 (Moved) 1 comment
I have never cared for Chipotle in general, and this one in particular as the few times I had eaten there I always had an issue: For instance the chips were stale the last time. My sister & nieces did enjoy it, but it was a running joke that they were always out of something basic like cheese with one fellow customer even going across to Publix to buy missing items.
The have moved a few blocks closer to I-77, into the new construction at the former site of San Jose, which gives them a drive-through. My understanding is that tonight they were out of guacamole.
Zesto, 3239 Forest Drive: 30 December 2024 3 comments
If this Zesto weren't there for my entire life, it was pretty close. Richland Mall came, went, came and went again while Zesto chocolate dipped one soft-serve cone after another. In fact I have to admit that unless my folks got me something else when I was very young, those chocolate dip cones are all I had at Zesto, with the dark shell cracking over the creamy goodnes the first time you bit it and lasting down to the part where you ate the cone and got ice cream all over your fingers.
The owner is retiring after a good long run, and it's certainly well deserved. I can't really see the building being repurposed as there is not enough parking for a full sit-down restaurant, and not enough space for a drive through, but time will tell. In the meantime, there's those decades of sticky memories.
Here's ColaDaily on the closing, and here's WIS on the final day.
(Hat tip to commenter Larry)
UPDATE 22 January 2025:
Verde, 4840 Forest Drive Suite 19: 15 December 2024 1 comment
Interestingly, I had discussed this place with my sister just a week or two ago. I was unsure what it was all about, and she said she had tried it once and didnt' like it at all, so it wasn't on my to-do list.
Apparently, Verde is a Charleston based salad chain, which still has a number of locations in Charleston area. The Trenholm Plaza location opened in May of 2020, replacing 32 Degrees Yogurt Bar, and lasted until mid-December of this year, making about a 4 and a half year run. For now the Facebook is still up, though it looks not to have been updated for three years.
(Hat tip to commenter Larry)
Flour Power Cooking Studios, 4517 Forest Drive: 30 September 2024 no comments
Flour Power Cooking Studios is apparently a national chain, with their Columbia location being in the back building at Forest Village by the former Village Idiot.
Looking at their Google reviews, it appears their main business was kids' birthday parties, something that seems to have gone over well on the whole. Their Facebook closing message doesn't really give any reasons, but I wonder if the inflation in food prices over the past year or so made it a long reach for a lot of parents..
(Hat tip to commenter Larry)
Muv Fitness, 4114 Forest Drive: October 2024 no comments
As discussed in Have Your Say Muv Fitness (technically Müv Fitness like a metal band) has apparently sold their Midlands operations (save for a West Columbia location) to Onelife Fitness. I don't see any media reports on this, but it seems to have happened several weeks ago.
This is the Forest Drive location, which started as Forest Drive Church. As you can see from these through-the-windshield shots, the new branding is already up.
(Hat tip to commenter Lone Wolf)
Richland Mall Walkthrough, 3400 Forest Drive: 13 July 2008 4 comments
I came across these pictures recently while I was looking for old Barnes & Noble shots and thought I might as well just post them all now.
This is a walk around & inside Richland Mall (still in the "Midtown" phase at that time) from 13 July 2008. I have left in all the shots, even the blurry and under exposed ones because it's not like I can go back and take better ones now...
Barnes & Noble, 3400 Forest Drive: Late December 2023 (Moved) 10 comments
I think I've written that Borders Books was my touchstone for quality bookstores. They had a certain mistique as I first encountered them in exotic locales like Washington DC & Overland Park KS and often ended up coming home with a suitcase full of books I'd never find locally.
Although I never got my wish of Borders coming to Columbia, Barnes & Noble was a good second choice, and I spent many evenings at the Harbison location hanging out in the cafe with prospective purchases on the table. This one, at Richland Mall never seemed quite as nice to me, but was servicable enough and I certainly bought my share of books (and gifts) there.
You could kind of see it go down with the mall over the years though. At some point a few years before the end, they gave up on the mall and closed of the exit leading to the mall interior. You could notice a lot of maintainence that wasn't being done as well, partly I suppose because of the mall's troubles and partly because of the chain's. The mens' room especially got quite shoddy over the years, and nobody was taking care of the wobbly tables in the cafe. Finally they started dropping the hours. When I was younger and could drink coffee at 10pm, the store was open until 11pm, and I would often be on the last call out. In the end, I think, the hours had dropped to 8pm, and less on some days.
The last time I was there was on Christmas-Eve Eve of 2023, during the final closing sale, where I found some quite good bargains. Shortly after that, the store closed until the Woodhill location was ready, and earlier this year the building was finally razed during the Richland Mall demolition.
I have been to the new location once, and it looked quite nice.
Carolina Fine Jewelry, 4708 Forest Drive Suite 2: July 2024 (Moved) no comments
As reported by commenter Matt, Carolina Fine Jewelry has left Forest Acres for the old Dem's location on Lake Murray Boulevard.
As ColaDaily reports, the store has been open in one location or another since 1974. (I'm not sure when they moved into the Forest Drive location, but it's a fairly new building).
(Hat tip to commenter Matt)
UPDATE 15 November 2024 -- Here they are in their new location:
Poogan's Southern Kitchen: 4605 Forest Drive Suite 1: 19 May 2024 3 comments
This is another place I always meant to get to, and I really have no excuse as it is exactly in my area, and I had seen early-on that it had exhibited Sign #1 that it probably wouldn't last too long. In the event however I did not, and if I ever catch them, it will have to be in a Low Country location.
Commenter Jimmy provides their closing message:
Dear Guests,
We're saddened to share the news that Poogan's Southern Kitchen in Forest Acres will be permanently closing its doors after our final brunch and dinner service on Sunday, May 19th.
We want to express our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your patronage and support since our opening in 2022. Your presence has made our journey truly special.
To the people of Forest Acres, your support has been incredible, and we're grateful for the warmth and community you've shown us.
Before we say goodbye, we invite you to join us over the next week, where we can reminisce and share our favorite Southern dishes with you once more.
For those venturing to the Lowcountry, our locations in Charleston and Summerville will continue to serve our signature cuisine with the same hospitality you've come to love.
Thank you for being a part of our story. We hope to see you soon.
Warm regards,
The Poogan’s Southern Kitchen Team
(Hat tip to commenter Larry)
Burn Boot Camp, 4507 Forest Drive: April 2024 no comments
I was aware of Burn Boot Camp in this location, but I was never really sure what it actually was. Judging by the corporate website, it is a gym chain focusing on shorter, 45 minute, workouts to get you in-and-out and off to your day with no wasted time. There remain several in the Midlands, with the next closest one probably being at Sandhill.
(Hat tip to commenter Larry)