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Archive for the ‘US-1’ tag

New York City Pizza & Pasta Factory, 4350 Augusta Road: 31 August 2024   3 comments

Posted at 11:05 pm in closing





New York Pizza & Pasta was the follow-on in this little US-1 building to another pizzeria, Palmono's, which was a follow-on to Reds On Augusta.

According to their Facebook they appear to have closed on 31 August. The menu looks decent, but I was never in the area at the right time to try it out.

(Hat tip to commenter JamesR)

Written by ted on October 11th, 2024

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O'Hara's Bakery Cafe: 121 East Main Street (Lexington): 22 September 2024 (Temporary?)   6 comments

Posted at 6:50 pm in closing













Looking at the Google Reviews, as well as the cafe's Facebook, it seems that O'Hara's was not making book as a table-service cafe, and tried converting to a counter-service bagel shop, which didn't bring in enough new traffic while alienating the existing clientele. This also invoved Rules #1 & #6.

The owners remain committed to the spot, and it sounds from the most recent Facebook post, that something new may be in the offing.

(Hat tip to commenter James R)

Written by ted on October 1st, 2024

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JC's Lexington Bowl: 5380 Augusta Road: Late August 2024   no comments

Posted at 10:46 pm in closing




Commenter Heath notes that JC's Lexington Bowl has announced on their Facebook page that they are closing at the end of August. From the posted message, it sounds like they would rather not, but the economic times are just too rough. That's a shame, as they have been open since 1989.

(Hat tip to commenter Heath)

Written by ted on August 15th, 2024

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Belly's Southern Pride, 2508 Augusta Highway: Spring 2024 (Temporary?)   3 comments

Posted at 10:42 pm in closing



I don't know anything about Belly's other than that it is a barbecue place, and is currently listed by Google as "Temporarily Closed". Their Facebook hasn't been updated since 2023, so there's no clue there, but according to commenter Beth reporting on some other Facebook traffic, they may not be coming back.

(Hat tip to commenter Beth)

Written by ted on April 26th, 2024

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Burger Family Restaurant, 901 West Dekalb Street (Camden): 1960s   no comments

Posted at 10:55 pm in closing








Before I-20 came in, we would take US-1 through Camden whenever we would go to visit relatives in Hartsville. Often on those trips (or whenever we could nag successfully enough) our parents would let us stop for lunch at the Burger Family restaurant. In retrospect, there was nothing special about it, it was a standard hamburger stand in a town that didn't yet have a McDonald's, but it was someplace different, and that's what mattered. At this point, I can only recall three things about it: The manager had a hearing aide; the burger names were family themed: Papa Burger (the largest) , Mama Burger (more "normal" sized) and some kind of kids burger, the cute name of which I can't recall, and they always got something about the order wrong. It became a running joke with us.

After Burger Family closed, we switched to Hermes, which was sort of a Hardee's knock-off in a town that didn't have one of those either. Then, of course, I-20 came in, and we started taking that to Bishopville instead.

I am not absolutely sure this is the right building, but I have looked a number of times in Camden over the years, and this is the only one in about the right place, looking like it could have been there then, and have been a restaurant then, and which tickles vague memories. I could be wrong -- it was a *long* time ago.

Written by ted on October 16th, 2023

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Fatz Cafe, 942 East Main Street: 23 August 2023   8 comments

Posted at 7:18 pm in closing







I don't suppose this is a big surprise: We have all noticed Fatz closing locations without adding any new ones, but still I was expecting it to take longer.

The news came last week that the whole chain has shut down, with some reports of bankruptcy filings, though no actual links to such.

This store in Lexington was the last Midlands location, and I had never eaten there, but I would drive by from time to time, and observe that it seemed to be doing a reasonable business. In fact, as I was taking these shots, several cars wandered in, looking for a meal.

It's a good sized building, and there are already an Asian buffet and a San Jose in the general area, so we'll have to see what happens next here.

Here are stories on the chain closing shop in The Index Journal, The State & The Greenville Sun.

(Hat tip to commenter Alan)

Written by ted on August 29th, 2023

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Alodia's Cucina Italiana, 101 West Main Street: Early July 2023   5 comments

Posted at 11:36 pm in closing



I did a closing on the Lake Murray location of Alodia's back in June of 2021 when they were closed due to staffing issues. They re-opened after that, and I made it a point to go by for a meal, and thought it was fine.

Reently commenter Robin pointed out that the Main Street Lexington location was closed temporarily due to financial issues.

You can read more about that from The State, WLTX & The Post & Courier.

I couldn't park when I drove past last weekend, but there was a sign on the door and it did appear to be closed then. However, judging from the recentness of several of the Google reviews I see, it appears they may have already reopened. Can anyone say for sure?

(Hat tip to commenter Robin)

UPDATE 20 June 2024 -- There is definitely much more to this story than is suggested in the initial post above, as the saga has played out in the local media. Be sure to check the comments below. Anyway, at this point the place has closed again, for good, and all the branding is gone:



Written by ted on July 5th, 2023

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The Friar's Club / Ole Place Club / (The New) Ole Place, 3311 Two Notch Road: November 2022   no comments

Posted at 10:55 pm in closing
















This place goes back at least into the 50s when it was The Friar's Club, then it was Mary's Celebrity Supper Club, and then it was Ole Place Club, and, possibly after Mary Dixon's passing, (The New) Ole Place. I believe through all those times, and the ups & downs of Two Notch Road, it remained a membership-only bar & grill. Judging from the activity on their Facebook page it appears they closed around November of 2022.

Be sure to checkout the Celebrity Club link, and I have a picture of the Friar's Club on a postcard somewhere I will try to get uploaded.

Written by ted on June 29th, 2023

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American Car Center, 6409 Two Notch Road: February 2023   4 comments

Posted at 10:26 pm in closing






This WLTX article (which is actually mostly about another used car dealer closing) mentions in passing that American Car Center closed in February. The story also calls it a subprime auto dealership, a term I am unfamiliar with, but which doesn't sound like something you would care to be called.

The property is fairly attractive. It's elevated with a nice view, and the buildings still seem to be in good shape. Assuming the economy picks up some, I expect another dealer will move in soon.

Read the rest of this entry »

Written by ted on May 2nd, 2023

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Bestway Inn, 2322 Two Notch Road: 14 July 2017   1 comment

Posted at 11:35 pm in closing




Bestway Inn was another of the US-1 motels which lined that route coming into and going out of Columbia as we discussed recently. Actually I suppose they were all on the "coming into" side of Columbia, just depending on which way you were going.

This one lasted, in reduced circumstances, until 2017 at which point they surrendered their buisiness license to avoid being declared a public nuisance .

I don't think closing the place really brought that stretch of the road up any. It's still sitting there and now it's not maintained at all -- I forbare turning off into the lot to get any closer pictures.

This LoopNet listing helpfully mentions that the property has 32767 rooms, a number which will bring a smile to any computer programmer.

Written by ted on March 30th, 2023

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