Buy My Book 12 comments
I've always been a science-fiction fan, and have tried my hand at writing off and on since I was in middle school. I certainly collected a respectable pile of rejection slips along the way. Then, a while back, while I was living in Fayetteville North Carolina and at the end of a very unlikely chain of events, I had the opportunity to write a book with the great Holly Lisle. Our book Hell On High was published by Baen Books in the late 90s, buthas been out of print for a while -- until now!
In today's terms, Hell On High is an urban fantasy, but since I had always thought of myself as a science-fiction writer, it has a space-ship too.
What can you expect? Well, it's a book for grown-ups, so there's a good bit of sex & violence (more of the former, probably), high comedy, low comedy, romance, fallen angels, demons, poodles and pizza.
If you want a hefty copy to hold in your hands, you can get that, or if you want a download for your Kindle or Nook we've got that covered too!
Here it is from Amazon:
And here it is from Barnes & Noble:
Note that both the Kindle and Nook editions are only $2.99, so what have you got to lose?
I read Hell On High for the first time in years during the proofing stage of this re-issue, and I think it holds up very well, and am quite proud of it. It this is the sort of thing you like, I think you'll like it too.
12 Responses to 'Buy My Book'
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Steve Ramm
13 Oct 13 at 4:06 pm
@Steve -- Unfortunately I have no idea. Perhaps someone else here knows a POC.
13 Oct 13 at 4:11 pm
I would like to use your happy the tiger photos for my website and an article in the car wash industry. What say you?
P Powell
27 Sep 16 at 10:36 pm
Sure, that's fine. As far as I know, the murals are still there though I haven't been in a year or so.
28 Sep 16 at 12:30 am
Hello Ted. i stumbled upon your blog about a yr ago and it REALLY helped me and friends remember some of our childhood places. hopefully, u can help again w/ 2 places.
1- would u happen to know the name of the motel that pre-dated the current Knights Inn @ 1987 Airport Blvd/Hwy 302, Cayce?
i believe Knights took over in 1986.
2- Relatedly, right across Airport Blvd from the motel was a small business that i believe was a food store. any ideas.
thanks, Ted
MikeMike Black
3 Jun 17 at 2:34 am
How to create a member account? Thanks . . .
Jim Little
18 May 20 at 8:03 pm
Not sure what you mean exactly. If you mean how to comment, you've already figured it out.
18 May 20 at 11:12 pm
Hi Ted- I wanted to say thank you for this site. I found it when I was looking for info on Bell Camp & I became immersed in your write up about it. I have many memories there with my family. My brother & I actually went & tracked it down, as I really wanted to see it (what's left of it :-( ). I also wanted to see what happened to Wildwood school, which was right around the curve from the camp. I cannot find anything about that school. That area over there has changed SO much! There are a couple of other places I would like to ask you about- Again, thank you for this blog, I've really enjoyed it. Would like to have your email for future communication.
Judy Gredler
11 Nov 20 at 8:57 pm
The Wildewood campus became Saint John Neumann Catholic School, which is still in operation.
I'm at closings at columbia closings dto com
11 Nov 20 at 11:16 pm
Hi Ted,
I wonder if you know what was in J. B. White's Department Store building on Main Street in Columbia before White's moved there. Lorick and Lowrance Hardware store was in the vicinity, but I don't think it was that building. I used to shop in J. B. White's in the late 1940s.
Also, do you know where I can find a picture of the old Arden Elementary School out in Eau Claire--before the current building. (I'm thinking 1940s) I even wrote to the Richland County Public Schools. They forwarded my question to the principal at Arden, but he never answered.
I would be most grateful for your expertise on how to find the answers.
C. Robert Jones
C. Robert Jones
10 Jul 21 at 3:53 pm
Well, I'm afraid I don't really have an answer to either of those. I would suggest perhaps the third floor local history room of the Assembly Street library if they are open again. They have old city directories and phonebooks that should have the Main Street tenants.
11 Jul 21 at 12:48 am
Just read a news article stating 23 more Red Lobsters are to close at the end of August. The Red Lobster in Cayce is on that list.
26 Aug 24 at 12:52 pm
Hi Ted: I JUST found your blog from a Google search on the Quarter Moon Saloon in Columbia - and there is no contact info for you.
I'm transferring some old reel to reel tapes of folk singers - unidentified - and one was recorded on 5/14-17/1980 at the club.
Wondering if you know who I could contact that might help identify the artist.
Steve Ramm
Philadelphia, PA