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Archive for the ‘4517 Forest Drive’ tag

Flour Power Cooking Studios, 4517 Forest Drive: 30 September 2024   no comments

Posted at 8:36 pm in closing




Flour Power Cooking Studios is apparently a national chain, with their Columbia location being in the back building at Forest Village by the former Village Idiot.

Looking at their Google reviews, it appears their main business was kids' birthday parties, something that seems to have gone over well on the whole. Their Facebook closing message doesn't really give any reasons, but I wonder if the inflation in food prices over the past year or so made it a long reach for a lot of parents..

(Hat tip to commenter Larry)

Written by ted on November 4th, 2024

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Village Idiot Pizza, 4517 Forest Drive: December 2023   9 comments

Posted at 10:38 pm in closing


Village Idiot is the follow-on operation in this storefront to Paulie's Pizzeria, which succumbed in 2009 to a kind of "If we have ingredients today, maybe we'll make pizza" syndrome. I never found the space a good sit-down restaurant in that incarnation, and since I never really warmed to Village Idiot in Five Points, I never tried this location.

The chain remains ongoing, but with the sale of this strip-mall, and the end of their lease coming up, they decided not to continue in this location.

The State has the story here, as does the Free Times here. I'll note that The State describes Forest Acres as ritzy, which is not a word I'd ever associated with our little community before.

The closing date is not firmed up yet, but will be by the end of the year.

(Hat tip to commenter Larry)

UPDATE 11 February 2025 -- Now Morelia Gourmet Paletas. Paletas are apparently some sort of popsicle:


Written by ted on December 6th, 2023

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Tootsies Childern's Shoes, 4517 Forest Drive: Spring 2021   no comments

Posted at 10:33 pm in closing




It looks like Tootsies on Forest Drive will be closing soon, as they are currently running a 30% off retirement sale. It might be a good time to pick up some summer shoes before the beach..

Written by ted on May 12th, 2021

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Sole Boutique, 4517 Forest Drive: 2018   no comments

Posted at 10:13 pm in closing


I was not really aware of this little place on Forest Drive, behind The Happy Cafe and in-between Tombo Grille and The Village Idiot. What I can tell from its google reviews is that it sold clothes and shoes. I believe it had the same suite as the former Tag It Art

UPDATE 12 May 2021 -- This is to become Flour Power a kids' party cooking studio:


Written by ted on April 11th, 2019

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Tag It Art, 4517 Forest Drive: 9 January 2015   1 comment

Posted at 1:02 am in closing






Kids' art studio, Tag It Art closed on 9 January 2015. You can see the classy farewell message here.

Forest Village is the little two-strip plaza that I still think of as the home of The Happy Bookseller though The Happy Cafe now occupies that spot.

(Hat tip to my sister)

Written by ted on March 4th, 2015

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Paulie's Pizzeria, 4517 Forest Drive: August 2009   7 comments

Posted at 5:38 pm in closing

Well, this isn't a total surprise as Paulie's had been undergoing kind of a combination of Sign #2 & Sign #6 for a while.

To be a bit more specific, I used to eat lunch at Paulie's once or twice a month. I really enjoyed the Italian Sausage Sandwich with peppers and onions, and it was all the better in that they linked their own sausage in two different flavors: hot or sweet. The hot was excellent, and my favorite.

Then I would come in for lunch, and they would be out of the hot sausage, and I would have to get the sweet. Then after that, they would be out of both, and I finally concluded that while they weren't going to drop it from the menu, they weren't really going to have it any more either. Since I rarely eat pizza for lunch (it makes me want to sleep the rest of the afternoon..), I just stopped going there. (They also stopped putting out an un-sweet tea urn, leaving a half-empty pitcher with an implied and we're not making any more when that's gone!.

Their pizza, I do have to say, was excellent! Unfortunately, they closed so early (9pm during the week, 10pm Friday & Saturday) that I was rarely able to have any.

We'll have to see how the Village Idiot incarnation does menu and hour-wise. I've only eaten at VI in Five Points once, and was less than impressed since they had average pizza and no unsweet tea at all. I did not go in, but it doesn't appear that they've changed the physical plant much. The booths could really use some padding!

Hat Tip: Matt.

UPDATE 6 December 2023: Adding map icon and updating tags.

Written by ted on August 17th, 2009

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