Royal India Bazaar, 9221 Two Notch Road: March 2024 1 comment
Posted at 10:03 pm in closing
I never visited Royal India Bazaar, though I always assumed it was connected to the adjacent Village Of India, which I have eaten at and enjoyed.
Commenter Brandon says that it was there for at least 20 years (which would predate the restaurant) and was very nice to shop at.
I have always thought of this shopping center as the "Big Lots" plaza, but I guess I will have to change that mnemonic going forward.
(Hat tip to commenter Brandon)
One Response to 'Royal India Bazaar, 9221 Two Notch Road: March 2024'
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Mr Bill
28 Jan 25 at 1:00 pm
Pretty sure that was a Bi-Lo up until the late 80's then they moved a little down there road to a newer shopping center.