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Casa Linda, 285 Columbiana Drive Suite A: 31 December 2019   2 comments

Posted at 11:50 pm in closing






Casa Linda in Forest Acres is one of my go-to places, but I don't think I've ever eaten at any of the other locations. I have eaten in this *building*, back when it was a D's Wings. Casa Linda set up shop there probably around 2013, and lasted until the end of 2019.

Actually commenter Heath mentions that this closing was more like a tidy ownership change, with El Patron quickly setting up there after year's end.

I'll note that the plaza marquee still touts the comics shop that closed in 2017.

Written by ted on January 29th, 2020

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2 Responses to 'Casa Linda, 285 Columbiana Drive Suite A: 31 December 2019'

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  1. Sorry, but they have terrible food. If you want decent Mexican, try the El Mariachi on 378. The one on Decker is not as good.

    Dan R

    3 Feb 20 at 7:42 pm

  2. Sorry, but every time we were there I thought the food was excellent and affordable, especially the "pick 3". But then, I'm not of Hispanic heritage, so I can only judge from Anglo standards. I always thought Monterrey was good too. I'm planning to try the el Patron soon to see how it compares. (I assume it's part of the group in the Greenville area.)


    8 Feb 20 at 2:44 pm

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