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Lizard's Thicket, 501 Knox Abbott Drive: July 2018 (open again)   7 comments

Posted at 11:55 pm in closing



Looks like the Lizard's Thicket remodeling effort that has revamped several of their stores is continuing. This one is at the corner of Knox Abbott Drive & State Street, and was some sort of restaurant before, though not a Shoney's like the Forest Drive and Beltline locations. I've eaten there before, and don't recall any particular building issues, but I guess everything has its time.

UPDATE 8 April 2019 -- I don't have a picture, but this location is open again, and has been for a while.

7 Responses to 'Lizard's Thicket, 501 Knox Abbott Drive: July 2018 (open again)'

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  1. This one has started to look a bit dated. I like it, but the service is very hit or miss.

    Mr. Bill

    18 Jul 18 at 1:36 pm

  2. This location was originally a Grandy's, like the other Lizard's Thicket location on Broad River Rd near Dutch Square.


    18 Jul 18 at 8:14 pm

  3. I remember it being a Duff's back in the late '70's/early '80's. (fuzzy child memories) Cool to see it being updated instead of being demolished.


    18 Jul 18 at 11:18 pm

  4. I don't remember it myself, but some people have said Duff's was in the old Softek building on Parkland Plaza


    19 Jul 18 at 12:06 am

  5. ted - you are correct about that location at Parkland being a Duff's. I think there were a few scattered around town in it's heyday.

    I was pretty young but it was a memorable restaurant. All you can eat and the bar revolved, so you just had to stand in one place and the food would come to you. A plus side to this was that the food line revolved back into the kitchen, so they could fill up food containers before it came back out.


    19 Jul 18 at 5:46 pm

  6. JB is correct, this was originally a Grandy's.


    20 Jul 18 at 11:07 am

  7. Yes, formely a Grandy's There was one on Decker Blvd also that sat vacant for many years until the new Taco Bell was built in its place


    27 Jul 18 at 8:46 am

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