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Columbia Business Equipment, 3770 Fernandina Road (moved/renamed): 2005   2 comments

Posted at 12:03 am in Uncategorized

It took me a while to figure out what this building was since I didn't get any street number in these pictures. I finally tracked it down through the realty sign, and find that this spot on Fernandina Road near the former Camping World and former Outdoor RV & Marine World was once Columbia Business Equipment.

It appears that sometime in 2005 they moved their Columbia operations to 5123 Bush River Road, and added a Charleston branch, leading them to take the now more appropriate name Carolina Busness Equipment.

Google doesn't pull up any other tenants at 3770, so apparently the building has been vacant for five years now.

Written by ted on January 13th, 2010

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2 Responses to 'Columbia Business Equipment, 3770 Fernandina Road (moved/renamed): 2005'

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  1. It was actually the corporate office for the boat and camper dealership next door and behind. They use to carry some nice boats and campers. Then around the time the lost their Tracker Marine franchise, they went downhill. They moved from carrying the Tracker familiy of boats to Bentley pontoons. Like like going from selling Lexus to Yugos.


    13 Jan 10 at 8:45 am

  2. You may also be able to use the County Accessor's Office in the future to find more information about vacant lots and abandoned buildings. I use this office around tax time to find out the correct municipalities for various properties I have done business with. If you have an address or approximate address they should be able to give you the name of the previous business name.


    15 Jan 10 at 8:30 am

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