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Grocery, 2600 Main Street: 1950s   8 comments

Posted at 12:23 am in closing




LoopNet says this building at the corner of North Main & Summerville Avenue was a grocery and dates from the early 1940s. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been a grocery in my memory, but I can't bring to mind anything that it *was* either.

I have to say it's kind of a grim looking building. Perhaps it would look more cheerful with fresh paint, but I don't think so.

UPDATE 9 June 2016 -- Now Royal Priesthood Ministry Center:



8 Responses to 'Grocery, 2600 Main Street: 1950s'

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  1. Isn't this the building that used to house , I think, Kelly's Mr. Mag or something like that? They used to sell mag wheels back in the old days of Cragar's and Keystone's.


    20 Dec 13 at 12:50 am

  2. I think you're right. I think it was Art James from WNOK (or was it already WLTX) doing the TV voiceovers for Mr. Mag in the early 1980s.


    20 Dec 13 at 8:06 am

  3. Homer, Yes it was Kelly's Mr. Mag. I bought a set of mags from them in 1988 or '89. I remember it well, a guy I went to high school with was the manager at the time.
    I don't get to that part of Main Street much anymore. I do remember a bit about that section from the '70's. Several used car lots that I would check out from time to time, back when I wanted every muscle car made. Just down the street away from town was the Coca Cola bottling plant and just past that on the left was Mann Electric Motor Repair, which later moved and became Mann Tool and Supply.


    20 Dec 13 at 12:24 pm

  4. I live nearby and always wondered what this building was, I agree with Ted that it is kind of grim.

    @Rick - Just curious, is the bottling plant still there? Where would it have been?


    20 Dec 13 at 12:54 pm

  5. I think Mr. Mag was there until the mid 1990s, maybe. I don't know what, if anything, has occupied it since.


    20 Dec 13 at 1:29 pm

  6. Per my database, 2604 (likely the same building) was a branch of the Edens grocery chain from the early 1940s to the late 1950s. As of 1960, it was one of three Fair Way Food Store locations in Columbia. I don't have anything after that.


    21 Dec 13 at 9:22 am

  7. Looking at it more closely, 2604 was probably next door.


    21 Dec 13 at 9:24 am

  8. I remember as a kid, my Mom & Grandmother shopping for groceries there, as late as the early 60's.


    10 Jan 14 at 8:07 pm

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