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Bi-Lo, 483 Sunset Boulevard: 2006   7 comments

Posted at 12:07 am in Uncategorized





As nearly as I can tell, this Bi-Lo closed in 2006, leaving Capitol Square without an anchor store.

The space is now Habitat For Humanity's ReStore. I believe the closest Bi-Lo to this spot is now the one on US-1 near the Wal-Mart.

Written by ted on December 18th, 2013

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7 Responses to 'Bi-Lo, 483 Sunset Boulevard: 2006'

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  1. I fairly sure this Bi-Lo was gone before 2006.

    I remember this having a place called FoodSmart sometime around 2003/04 and my grandmother and I went there. It was a short lived place that seemed to sell Bi-Lo branded products (almost an 'overstock' concept).

    It sat vacant before Habitat for Humanity ReStore came along and I've taken a couple of pairs of shoes there to be recycled as they had a receptacle for them.


    18 Dec 13 at 12:29 am

  2. The Bi-Lo in Parkland Plaza is closer than the one near Walmart.

    Andrew's right, the Bi-Lo has been closed a long time. For some reason, I'm thinking it closed within a year or so of 1998. Probably closed it when the Winn Dixie at Parkland Plaza became a BiLo.


    18 Dec 13 at 7:31 am

  3. I've only been to this shopping center once in my life. In 1982, there was a locally owned pizza joint in one of the units called "Papa Joe's." He had a 'pizza challenge' that if you could eat one of his 12-inch pizzas, you didn't have to pay for it. I and a friend took him up on the challenge. Yeah, I lost, and it wasn't a pretty sight.


    18 Dec 13 at 9:30 am

  4. I think it closed before Winn Dixie at Parkland Plaza became a Bi-Lo. Winn Dixie became Bi-Lo in 2005 when Winn Dixie pulled out of the Carolinas as part of a company reorganization following a bankruptcy filing that year and the FoodSmart was gone by that point as I recall...


    18 Dec 13 at 7:57 pm

  5. @Andrew, etc -- All I can say is that it is listed in the Feb 2005 phonebook, but not in the Feb 2007 one, which is why I picked "2006".

    And, yes, I had forgotten the Parkland Plaza grocery is a Bi-Lo now.


    19 Dec 13 at 12:15 am

  6. The Habitat for Humanity Restore featured in these pics has relocated into the former Rec Warehouse at 2814 Augusta Road


    11 Sep 14 at 10:49 pm

  7. I want to say around 2004 was when it closed. They moved over to Parkland when the Winn Dixie closed which was around the end of 03 or beginning of 04. Now the once Winn Dixie is Food Lion. It's working its way though all the grocery chains.

    Mr. Bill

    19 Dec 23 at 3:10 pm

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