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Curves, 6030 Saint Andrews Road Suite G/H: 2011 (moved)   24 comments

Posted at 11:03 pm in Uncategorized





Women's gym Curves moved out of this little strip just past Piney Grove Road sometime in 2011, to set up shop down the street at Seven Oaks Shopping Center (6169 Saint Andrews Road). As of last week, I believe this storefront was still empty.

Update 26 January 2014 -- The new location:



Written by ted on October 10th, 2013

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24 Responses to 'Curves, 6030 Saint Andrews Road Suite G/H: 2011 (moved)'

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  1. Back in the 90s this was St. Andrews Car wash...I remember a car from the family fleet going through it a time or two when I was in Elementary School...


    11 Oct 13 at 3:24 pm

  2. This is a rather bland looking store front. It is difficult for me to support any business where the building itself makes me feel uncomfortable. The move to Seven Oaks may benifit them. In my opinion, having been in business for myself, there are many variables that can assist success. For one, the name of a business is important. I can see where the name 'Curves makes perfect sense if one knows what they offer, but if you were looking for a gym, their name is trite. For a single location I maybe would choose a name, that had the owners name, incorporated in the name of the business, like "Ricks Massive Weight Lose Club" or "Ricks Extreme Waste Lose Club" Dang, I like those names, anyone want to go in business with me?


    11 Oct 13 at 5:17 pm

  3. Of course with a name as I mentioned, the owner would have to be there all the time. I have found that to be one of the keys to success. No one person, manager or employee will watch your money like you will.


    11 Oct 13 at 5:22 pm

  4. @rick - I don't know about the latter name, sorta sounds like a club where people sit around and take laxatives....


    12 Oct 13 at 12:14 am

  5. @Homer - Lol. It does dosn't it. Still laughing. Ahhhh... thats funny. I was thinking how waste would correlate to ones waist and then, taken a step further, would imply excess weight, is waste. "BYOL" could be our slogan. Haaa ha. Damn, great way to start the day, with a good laugh, Thanks Homer.


    12 Oct 13 at 10:02 am

  6. @Homer - What do you do, I mean what type business, without giving away any more info, that makes you feel uncomfortable? You to Andrew, I like both of you guys.


    12 Oct 13 at 10:48 am

  7. After my last post, I might mention, I'm not gay. Just for all that might be thinking the wrong way.


    12 Oct 13 at 10:50 am

  8. @rick - I'm a computer programmer at an insurance company here in Columbia. Have worked for several companies in town over the last 30+ years. That's all I am giving out and most people could probably figure it out from that. After all, my name is not that common...:^)


    13 Oct 13 at 2:03 am

  9. I only know one other Homer and he worked at Square D with my wife until he retired. I never mentioned it because if you were the Homer I knew, my post would have given me away. I lived next door to a guy for 20 years that worked for Seibles Bruce, his last name is Morris.


    13 Oct 13 at 10:39 am

  10. @Homer - I was in the electronics business form 1973 until late 1989. Going into business for myself in 1982. One was a mobile electronics store at the corner of Harden and Devine, before Harpers was built, and a second one at Beltline and Two Notch. I sold that and went into the Satellite Dish sales and installation business. Thats when we had the really big dishes. I got out of that and went into the Counter Surveillance Business detecting for illegal wire taps and eavesdropping devices. Boy the stories I could tell. I am now in manufacturing, which is not what I enjoy, but it pays the bills. Still thinking of going solo again.


    13 Oct 13 at 10:54 am

  11. @Homer - Some may be more familiar with the term "Industrail Espionage", than "Counter Surveillance".


    13 Oct 13 at 11:23 am

  12. @rick - the only goal I have right now is getting ready for retirement. If I can put up with "Corporate America" for another four years, I'm going to call it quits. I'll be 59, I'll have 20 years at work, my pension, my IRA, my 401K, my savings and the property I own as a nest egg. The BS has gotten so deep since the turn of the century I can't take it anymore.


    13 Oct 13 at 11:04 pm

  13. To Rick.. what's wrong with being GAY?? The way women/girls have become over the years being ALL bitchy, whiney, demanding, wanting you to be around them 24/7 and having to ask them for "permission" to do anything and if they don't want you to, then they fuss about it. Once you get married, the TRUE personality comes shining through. There are a LOT of Bridezillas out there..and I would know being a Videographer of doing weddings over over 7 years in this State. So it's easier to be GAY and/or to hang around other guys that aren't full of drama like most (not all) girls are. And besides..who cares who's gay and who isn't? Columbia and South Carolina in general is SO Homophobic anyhow. You'd be surprised how many gays there are in town. They're like the "Visa Gold Card"..they're EVERYWHERE. Just an opinion though.


    14 Oct 13 at 9:25 am

  14. I think semi must have found out "Do whatever the hell you want!" doesn't mean what you'd think it means.


    14 Oct 13 at 10:02 am

  15. @Homer - I'm ready to call it quits with C.A. as well, to much BS. I've got to keep working a little longer than you though. We are within in a year of each other age wise, but when I was in business for myself I was not banking money away into a 401k. I am now, wish I had then.


    14 Oct 13 at 11:35 am

  16. @semi - Nothing wrong with gay as far as I know. I just did not want anyone to waste there time hitting on me, as attractive as I must seem, it would have gone nowhere.


    14 Oct 13 at 11:40 am

  17. I've come across so many different stores about the bs that Homer and Rick describe...I'm only 25 and it makes me wonder what type of future I have in front of me...


    14 Oct 13 at 3:18 pm

  18. What a bunch of Drama Queens on here. And YES that means GUYS too. Who cares if someone is gay or not? Be straight, be gay, be whatever, but be a man about it and move on with things. This site is about what's not in Columbia anymore..not the "Drama Queen Daily".


    14 Oct 13 at 3:37 pm

  19. Speaking of "Drama" ...what's up with The Diner on Ft. Jackson Blvd.? Is it under "remodeling"? or is it closed? I drove by the place today, and the sign in front in the parking lot is gone. Anyone know what's up with the place?


    14 Oct 13 at 3:39 pm

  20. The rumor I heard was that the original owner is/was no longer associated with the place. I suspect that the official transfer between the old and new business owner is the 'remodeling.'


    14 Oct 13 at 4:18 pm

  21. @CayceKid - None of my stores are open anymore. Just saying.


    14 Oct 13 at 4:24 pm

  22. The only older "electronics" store/chain I can remember, was the fore-runner of "Radio Shack" here in Columbia was "Lafayette".. I remember the one on Devine and the one across from the old Sears store on Harden. The thing with the Diner, is that it was/is too small on the inside. It needs to be expanded for more people and the "atmosphere" needed to change paint wise and color wise to get more people in there. The music plays a big part too. Older music like The Beatles is fine..but NOT Beatles Bootleg/unreleased songs unless it an alternate take, and still not being played on CD Boom Box. Food was fine, but a bit pricey, but it was still good.


    14 Oct 13 at 5:59 pm

  23. @CayceKid - I never went to the Dinner but you confirmed what I thought.


    14 Oct 13 at 6:41 pm

  24. @Andrew - I never thought I would say that I looked forward to getting older. All I can say is Good Luck!!!


    14 Oct 13 at 9:47 pm

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