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Sister Rose palmistry / antiques / riding school / Wateree Arms, 9321 Garners Ferry Road: 2009   5 comments

Posted at 12:39 am in Uncategorized

I had noticed this building on the Sumter Highway in Hopkins several times over the past few years, usually just as I had passed it. I never really got a good look, but had it in my mind that it must be an abandoned motel as in Stratford Arms or Cornell Arms (though I don't believe that building was ever a hotel). With that mindset kind of locked in I had to do a double take when I finally stopped by and found that the "arms" were fire-arms.

The place listed in the February 2008 phonebook, but not the February 2010 one so I'm guessing it closed in 2009, though the condition of the roof-line is pretty bad for just a few years off. I'm not sure what the building would have been originally. Certainly Wateree Arms was not the first tenant (and is in fact not listed in the Feb 1997 book). It was obviously a store of some sort, but not, I think, a gas station as there is not room in front for pumps.

UPDATE 15 July 2011: Added Sister Rose, antiques and riding school to post title based on info by commenter tonkatoy.

Written by ted on July 15th, 2011

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5 Responses to 'Sister Rose palmistry / antiques / riding school / Wateree Arms, 9321 Garners Ferry Road: 2009'

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  1. Back in the early seventies, Sister Rose the palm reader worked out of this building. After she moved on down the road, it was an antique store for a short while. Then some folks started a riding school there, and I think it was a residence during that time.

    I seem to recall Wateree arms lasting a few years, but the store was burgled at one point, and I don't think they reopened afterwards.


    15 Jul 11 at 6:45 am

  2. This building was torn down a month or so ago, maybe longer.

    This building is no more; it is an ex-building.


    1 Nov 13 at 6:41 am

  3. "It's just resting!"


    1 Nov 13 at 7:10 am

  4. Now a cinderblock structure is arising from the ashes...


    2 Dec 13 at 2:46 pm

  5. My son was interested in buying this property when it was for sale. I have lived on this side of town for 50 plus years. It is property like this that will be worth $$$ after time. If only I had, thought to, or was able to purchase land back when It was kind of cheap, I would be living somewhere else by now. The land on Garners ferry Road is a good investment for anyone in thier 20's now. Just think about the land where Ruby Tuesdays is next to Wal-Mart. Lower Richland Motors Bought that corner back in the late 80's and sold it not long ago for a very good price ( A million or so). My advice, if you are young and can get it, buy land on Garners Ferry Rd. in 20 years you will be good.


    2 Dec 13 at 4:24 pm

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