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Eckerd Drugs, 3100 Broad River Road: mid 2000s   6 comments

Posted at 11:02 pm in closing

Continuing my recent theme of defunct Eckerd stores, this one on Broad River Road at the intersection with Saint Andrews Road (and across from the old Steve's #1 Sub Contractor sub shop) was, if I recall correctly, one of the newer stores. It has the "modern" corner-lot siting with a drive-through. It sits, in fact, catty-cornered across the street from a new-ish CVS of the same vintage, proving the site is viable for drugstores -- I suspect that if Eckerd's in general hadn't had problems and had held on to this store a few years more, Rite Aid could have done a viable business there.

UPDATE 8 March 2011 -- It's now a Dollar Tree:

UPDATE 10 August 2020: Add map icon, update tags.

Written by ted on March 10th, 2009

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6 Responses to 'Eckerd Drugs, 3100 Broad River Road: mid 2000s'

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  1. I'd put this place's demise right around 2005 or 2006. Right about the same time that the Walgreens popped up aross the street.


    11 Mar 09 at 5:40 am

  2. It closed in early 2005. Having worked there once I can tell you it was a major money loser. It was hard to get in and out of and shrink was a major problem. In addition there were three other Eckerds within a 10 mile radius (two of them on Broad River Rd) that further squeezed profits. When this one closed, the whole district celebrated.


    11 Mar 09 at 5:47 am

  3. Central Drug store was built on the location back in 1966 with a grocery store to its right. This was back when St. Andrews was in its infancy and the area was pretty much country and farmland. Once it was sold in 1969 it operated as Central until the early to mid 70's.


    13 Jun 09 at 7:47 pm

  4. I saw today that it looks like it's going to be a Dollar Tree


    30 May 10 at 4:26 pm

  5. Ok I can conform to you that the Dollar Tree slated for this site is now online...


    11 Aug 10 at 12:22 pm

  6. make that confirm


    11 Aug 10 at 12:23 pm

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