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Jack's Shoes, 1555 Sunnyside Drive: 1990s   6 comments

Posted at 1:06 am in Uncategorized

The picture isn't very good because the sun was against me, but Jack's was a local shoe store on Sunnyside Drive (which is a side street off of Forest Drive, just past Richland Mall heading towards town). The site is now either Miyo's or Leapin' Lizards -- I can't recall exactly which space it was. Growing up, we shopped for shoes in a number of places, including Gerber's at Trenholm Plaza and the shoe departments at Sears and other department stores, but I think Jack's is where we most often ended up.

I remember in particular, that Jack's was the place I got my first pair of Sebago Docksides, a shoe so comfortable that I have worn them ever since and that would be over 30 years now. In fact, that was about the only place in town I could find them. Now I either have to get them in Charleston, or order them from (which is OK since my feet stay the same size now).

Written by ted on February 25th, 2009

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6 Responses to 'Jack's Shoes, 1555 Sunnyside Drive: 1990s'

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  1. Wasn't it the Leapin' Lizards spot? I remember Jack's well, but I cannot remember anything else that was in this center. Was the Blockbuster, etc. constructed later? I do remember well going with my parents to buy my PF Flyers tennis shoes at Jack's when I was growing up.


    25 Feb 09 at 10:04 am

  2. I saved my money and spent $20 for a pair of tall black boots from Jack's that I "had to have" in the 10th grade -- 1972.

    I still have them and they look pretty good. They are in our family costume box in case someone needs to be a biker, or pirate or something.


    25 Feb 09 at 10:42 am

  3. I seem to recall a steep paved hill at the end of the parking lot. We "performance tested" our new shoes on it.


    23 Nov 09 at 1:51 pm

  4. “performance tested”

    I love that. It was a given activity that always drove my mom nuts.


    23 Nov 09 at 3:41 pm

  5. Does anyone remember a French restaurant that was right across the street from Jacks? It was there in the 1980s and the food there was pretty good.

    I think it was called Pierre's.


    14 Aug 13 at 1:43 pm

  6. Go have a look at the "Le Petit Chateau" entry. It says that the restaurant you're remembering was "Chez Pierre".


    14 Aug 13 at 10:28 pm

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