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Floor It Now, 7390 Two Notch Road: 2009   4 comments

Posted at 11:43 pm in Uncategorized

Here's another casualty of the recession, or at least that's my guess. Floor It Now has been, I think in this strip mall at the corner of Two Notch Road and O'Neil Court for at least several years. (It's hard to say for sure since I've never been in the market for flooring).

Unless people are actually falling through it, replacing a floor is pretty much an aesthetic deciscion, and right now, I'll bet that floor with all the scuff marks and old paint splatters doesn't really look that bad.

UPDATE 13 June 2009: It's now a Kim's Enterprises Beauty Supply

Written by ted on February 1st, 2009

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4 Responses to 'Floor It Now, 7390 Two Notch Road: 2009'

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  1. That location is the deathbed for flooring and carpet business. I believe there used to be a 'New York Carpet World' something-or-the-other there, then perhaps a Cogdill and even then another before Floor-It-Now.

    I always felt as though the Floor-It-Now sign was a cruel teaser to run the upcoming yellow light.


    4 Feb 09 at 4:22 pm

  2. I always felt as though the Floor-It-Now sign was a cruel teaser to run the upcoming yellow light.

    Good one, Jeff

    Terry Edwards

    5 Feb 09 at 3:40 am

  3. Jeff, that was funny!!

    I know that there may be many people who like Floor it Now, but the job that they did for me and my wife was horrid. I have read other bad reviews as well. It seems that they had some quality issues at that store and that may have helped to add a nail to the proverbial coffin.


    10 Apr 09 at 10:13 am

  4. I had all bamboo flooring done in my last house from Floor-It-Now. I was quite happy with the result though dealing with their third party installers was difficult and poorly coordinated.


    13 Feb 13 at 7:19 pm

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