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Washington Street Barber Shop, 1122 Washington Street: 22 December 2017   no comments

Posted at 10:52 pm in closing






I had not noticed this closing until commener Andrew pointed it out, but in fact there was a nice article mainly about this family business last year in The Free Times:

Stepping into Washington Street Barber Shop, just off bustling Main Street in downtown Columbia, is like stepping into a time capsule.

The barber shop at 1122 Washington St. has dark, wood-paneled walls like the ones in an old basement rec room. Tacked and taped to those walls are dozens of articles from The State newspaper, many of which detail the exploits of the Gamecocks sports teams through the years.

In the corner there’s a checkerboard set up, just in case anyone wants to get in a game or two as they wait for the barber’s chair to come open. Over near the row of chairs that constitutes the waiting area, there’s a standup dish with an ever-rotating supply of candy. Hershey’s Kisses, little Kit Kats, the good stuff.

An ancient tube TV — the picture is starting to wane — is always running, and it seems to forever be playing the classics: Gunsmoke, The Andy Griffith Show, Bonanza.

Washington Street Barber Shop is blissfully free of many of the trappings of the modern salons that pass themselves off as barber shops.

In the end, the story came down to rising property values in the area, and an expiring lease (though there is yet to be a new tenant).

Commenter thomas adds:

The Barber Shop that Andrew mentions was originally on Hampton Street and the florist was next door. The buildings were demolished to construct the bank building which was originally First Union and is now Wells Fargo. They relocated to Washington Street. There was a grocery store behind there at the corner of Assembly and Hampton. Wayne Evans and his father operated the barber shop and his father died several years ago.

I don't recall the shop specifically in that location, though I do recall that grocery.

(Hat tip to commenter Andrew)

Written by ted on May 14th, 2018

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