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Ed Robinson Laundry & Dry Cleaning, 317 Royal Tower Drive: 2017   5 comments

Posted at 11:41 pm in closing













This is an interesting little building off Broad River Road just north of the I-26 interchange. It puts me in the mind both of an old A&P (the steeple) and this building on Millwood (though that one is more round).

I don't believe I had ever noticed Royal Tower Drive before. I wonder where the name comes from?

UPDATE 9 May 2023: Now a martial arts dojo:


Written by ted on February 27th, 2018

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5 Responses to 'Ed Robinson Laundry & Dry Cleaning, 317 Royal Tower Drive: 2017'

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  1. Is it just me or does it seem like there are a lot of dry cleaners going out of business? I know two have closed near me and I have to search for one when I do need to get something dry cleaned. Wonder if folks just aren't taking stuff to the cleaners like they used to.


    1 Mar 18 at 3:58 pm

  2. It appears that the dry cleaning industry as a whole is in decline. I found an article that blames changes in clothing trends to more machine washable garmets, more casual work environments, telecommuting, and environmental regulations as reasons.


    1 Mar 18 at 10:25 pm

  3. I don't have anything in my closet that needs dry cleaning and about a year ago I rented a suit for a friend's wedding and that's the last time I needed a suit for something. Plus I'm under the impression that dry clean only is something people are shying away from. Plus suits to things like church and work aren't as prominent as they used to be...a simple search for dry cleaning decline speaks to many of the factors that Heath spoke of.


    2 Mar 18 at 12:04 am

  4. Ted,
    A lot of the roads in Friarsgate are named after English royal things. Royal Tower actually loops all the way around the neighborhood for a couple of miles.


    4 Mar 18 at 6:36 am

  5. Next door to this is a place that was a Circle K. Originally it was a Kangaroo Express but then it became a Circle K several years ago when the merger transpired and now the Circle K has closed up shop (likely stemming from the opening of a new one within walking distance)...


    28 May 18 at 10:51 pm

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