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Worst Case Scenario? -- It's True   6 comments

Posted at 2:26 am in commentary


Seen at the Dutch Square Hardee's by commenter uscnurse

Written by ted on May 26th, 2017

6 Responses to 'Worst Case Scenario? -- It's True'

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  1. I want $15 an hour!


    27 May 17 at 8:02 am

  2. As someone who goes through a Hardees drive thru most mornings, this doesn't surprise me. Hardees and the rest need to take a page out of Chick-fil-a's book and get their employees to focus on customer service and attention to detail.


    27 May 17 at 12:41 pm

  3. I've just about gotten out of the habit at eating at Hardee's due to the caliber of folks working there leaving a lot to be desired...


    27 May 17 at 4:00 pm

  4. Can't remember the last time I ate at a Hardee's.

    Ed, you're right, Chick-Fil-A and San Jose (I know it's not really fast food, but you do get your food fast) has the BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER. At least for me.


    27 May 17 at 10:57 pm

  5. I have to repeat a previous post here. A buddy of mine used to work at KFC when we were in school; back in the day when the slogan was "The best chicken is finger lickin' good". My buddy sent one of the 'brighter' workers out to put the slogan on the marquis. Here's how it ended up:

    "The best lickin' is chicken lickin'".

    Bear in mind that this was in the 70's so the IQ levels of the employees of typical fast food joints hasn't increased appreciably.


    29 May 17 at 8:51 pm

  6. Just read in today's State Paper where the Lizard's Thicket on Elmwood is closing for renovations and will open up again in the Fall! We usually eat at the one on Beltline near Midlands Tech. and the food quality was gone down terribly! The servings are smaller and one of my favorite dishes Squash Casserole has been ice cold the last two times I ordered it!

    Patricia Lewis

    6 Jun 17 at 12:23 pm

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