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Heroes & Dragons, 501 Bush River Road: 23 January 2016 (moved)   5 comments

Posted at 1:19 am in closing






Great Ceasar's Ghost!, I was sure I had done a closing for comic store Heroes & Dragons when they moved from their Boozer Shopping Center location next to Manifest and down the hill to 501 Bush River Road, but apparently not as it's not in Alphabetical Closings and google has no record of it. Maybe I just remember taking some pictures of it. At any rate, that's what they did, and now they have come almost full circle, moving back to Boozer, albeit not to exactly the same spot (which is now Dollar General).

Where they are moving to is the old Nutrition Warehouse spot I mentioned a few days ago.

Written by ted on February 2nd, 2016

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5 Responses to 'Heroes & Dragons, 501 Bush River Road: 23 January 2016 (moved)'

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  1. Can you say 'musical chairs'?


    2 Feb 16 at 2:19 am

  2. And don't forget, prior to the location next to Manifest (which is actually currently Manifest; the record store expanded into the space when H&D moved out), they had moved across the Boozer parking lot from the little kiosk-type building now behind the Chick-fil-A that (at least in Google Maps) appears to be vacant.


    2 Feb 16 at 7:55 am

  3. Was this the same comic book place that used to be in a circular/ almost old school circus tent style stand alone store on knox abbott dr. years ago? It was across and down the street from the Zaxby's.


    3 Feb 16 at 12:20 pm

  4. @palmettoconnection That was Silver City Comics and I'm reasonably certain its still open


    3 Feb 16 at 6:31 pm

  5. That is indeed Silver City, and they are still there (unless something happened very recently). The building is was originally a Hardee's and typical for that generation of store. Eggroll Station was also originally in such a building, but they razed it a number of years ago.


    3 Feb 16 at 11:41 pm

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