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Firefly Toys & Games, 5060 Sunset Boulevard: September 2014 (moved)   4 comments

Posted at 12:17 am in Uncategorized




I had driven past this Firefly location dozens of times over the past year or so, and never really cosidered the "& Games" part of the Firefly name. Since it was a bit off the beaten path, I had it mentally pegged as some sort of specialty toy store, perhaps educational toys, but never really considered that the "games" might be for "gamers".

In the event, it appears that they are, and the new location at 657 Saint Andrews Road continues to host gaming events.

(Hat tip to commenter James)

4 Responses to 'Firefly Toys & Games, 5060 Sunset Boulevard: September 2014 (moved)'

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  1. It should be noted that they moved into the former EZ Bingo. I've noted on that page that it originally had an Eckerd then went on to house a Palmetto Power Sports.

    I had noticed signage that they were there but kept forgetting the name...stemming from my CHEF'STORE outings as I've enjoyed shopping there over the ≈16 months it's been in operation.


    14 Oct 14 at 1:44 pm

  2. I originally had the same thought as Ted that this was a specialty toy store. Only when I was researching the closing did I learn of it hosting tournaments for gamers.


    14 Oct 14 at 1:57 pm

  3. They moved in order to be able to expand. They host all sorts of sessions for gaming, from PFS, Pokemon, MTG, D&D to Warhammer and much much more. An awesome shop with a great family vibe going on!


    16 Oct 14 at 12:14 pm

  4. Beads & Yarn (Beads & More), the followup to Flyfire Toys and Games, has a closing sign out front. Another sign says they are having a retirement sale. I always wondered if there were enough crafting business for a small independently owned shop like this to succeed against the big box A.C. Moore's, Jo-Ann's, and Michael's. Being the store just opened a couple of years ago, the "retirement" sale struck me as very interesting.

    James R

    19 Dec 17 at 11:53 pm

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