Archive for the ‘4350 Augusta Road’ tag
New York City Pizza & Pasta Factory, 4350 Augusta Road: 31 August 2024 3 comments
New York Pizza & Pasta was the follow-on in this little US-1 building to another pizzeria, Palmono's, which was a follow-on to Reds On Augusta.
According to their Facebook they appear to have closed on 31 August. The menu looks decent, but I was never in the area at the right time to try it out.
(Hat tip to commenter JamesR)
Palmano's Pizzeria & Restaurant, 4350 Augusta Road: 2022 no comments
Palmano's was in the small building below KJ's, formerly occupied by Reds. Judging from the google reviews, it was open until a few months ago, but has since transitioned to another pizza place (with mostly the same signage): New York Pizza & Pasta Factory. Google suggests the phone number is the same for both pizza shops, so perhaps this is more of a re-branding.
Reds On Augusta, 4350 Augusta Road: Late 2014 (moved) 4 comments
Noticed this vacant restaurant on Augusta Road next to the former Piggly Wiggly plaza.
A little googling turned up a LoopNet listing and an old FaceBook page that establish that it was a Sports/Biker bar called Reds On Augusta.
Judging from the fact that the last Facebook postings (other than an outlier which I'm guessing is a memory-lane post) are from late 2014, that's when I'm putting the closing.
See the LoopNet link for a picture of the place in operation.
UPDATE 11 August 2017: OK, commenter James R says they have not closed but moved to 3813 Augusta Highway. Well good for them! I'll add "(moved)" to the post title.