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Hardee's / Silver City, 538 Knox Abbott Drive: 2 December 2017   4 comments

Posted at 12:37 am in closing










Mostly I knew Silver City from their old location at 906 Knox Abbott Drive. When I was a graduate assistant every Wednesday (I think it was Wednesday..) when the new comics came out, I would drive from campus to there and peruse the weekly haul.

They moved to this old Hardee's building closer to the river while I was living out of town. I did stop by several times, but by that point, I was getting my fix through a mail-order subscription service, so it wasn't quite the same, though the staff was quite pleasant and I did pick up some stuff.

According to their Facebook page the store's last day was 2 December 2017. When I took these pictures, I had a brief chat with the building owner who said that they were looking for a new tenant in the building as is rather than taking it down and starting over. I was glad to hear that, as these old Hardee's buildings are pretty thin on the ground now. After the razing of the one at Eggroll Station, this is the last in the Columbia area, and I believe the owner said there were only one or two elsewhere.

(Hat tip to commenter Thomas S)

UPDATE 12 October 2021 -- Now The Modern


Also adding map icon.

UPDATE 13 August 2022 -- Here is a picture from commenter Jimmy Freeman of the roadside sign for this building when it was a Hardee's:


Written by ted on April 19th, 2018

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4 Responses to 'Hardee's / Silver City, 538 Knox Abbott Drive: 2 December 2017'

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  1. I remember when this opened as Hardee's in the mid 1960's. Too bad the other one over near Ft. Jackson Blvd. was torn down.


    3 May 18 at 5:08 pm

  2. From what I've read online, this is one of the very few remaining former Hardee's buildings that still has the steeple on top. Hope they don't tear down this one.

    Todd Miller

    9 Jun 19 at 10:46 pm

  3. It looks like this building will live on as a second location of Irmo Lock, and will be named "Modern Locksmith"


    5 Nov 20 at 10:52 am

  4. I've got the Comics Games Toys neon sign from there. Replaced the switch on the transformer and I am basking in 3 color neon glory!

    Dan R

    18 Nov 20 at 6:55 am

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