Church's Chicken, 2436 Taylor Street: February 2018 19 comments
As you can see from the sign, this Church's Chicken at the foot of Gonzales Gardens and in the location of the old Drake's is now closed, or colsed, if you prefer.
I would guess this means a little more business for the KFC on the next block up, but *this* bird has flown the coop.
(Hat tip to commenter Andrew)
UPDATE 19 December 2018 -- As mentioned in the comments, some sort of construction is going on here, though there is no signage indicating what might be coming next:
UPDATE 21 February 2021 -- As mentioned in the comments, to be an Asian Express:
19 Responses to 'Church's Chicken, 2436 Taylor Street: February 2018'
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13 Feb 18 at 5:44 am
@Homer had to go back and look at the picture after I read your comment but you are 100% right. It's amazing how much correct spelling doesn't seem to matter anymore.
13 Feb 18 at 10:19 am
Ha! You mean like marquee? Now that's a hoot. I also like the other hand printed signs. The opposite of "open for business" is simply closed. If management was responsible for the signage I have a good idea of why they "closed for business".
Joe Shlabotnik
13 Feb 18 at 7:51 pm
I noticed the colsed when I noted this closing but didn't see the 3rd of the 3 words in the door poster sign but I noticed one said 'closed for business' while another on the drive thru menu said 'close bur business' and my first thought is that obviously spelling and grammar emphasis wasn't a big part of the training they got...and considering the less than impressive things that have been said about Church's in general that can't bode well...
13 Feb 18 at 8:39 pm
@Joe - I know better that that. I blame the spelling and usage on the 100.2 fever I was running this morning. Looks like all this creeping crud has finally caught up with me....
13 Feb 18 at 10:35 pm
It's also something of an iron law of the Internet, that if you note a spelling error, your note will contain one..
Certainly has happend to me more than once!
13 Feb 18 at 11:02 pm
I know you guys have seen the articles over the years about how our brains (at least some of us) are wired to interpret text that is scrambled as long as the first an last letters or correct.
14 Feb 18 at 3:58 pm
The Church's Chicken building at 2436 Taylor St. (also known as 2400 Forest Dr.) is now for sale or lease by owner. The contact info is
Brenda Bateman
9 Mar 18 at 8:51 pm
I am interested in leasing the building can you send me more information please my contract number is 803-915-1737
Vonetta Singletary
16 Apr 18 at 1:35 pm
It appears you need to contact Ms Bateman whose comment is previous to yours.
17 Apr 18 at 12:24 am
The other recommendation I have is to ride by and see if there is any signage for a contact person on the site of the building itself...
17 Apr 18 at 4:36 pm
Please contact me. 6/26, 2018
Ann Chin
26 Jun 18 at 2:40 pm
6 Jul 18 at 1:06 am
Is Lin Lai the owner of the China Kitchen?
Frank Mancuso
18 Jul 18 at 9:38 pm
It Was Cross The Road
19 Jul 18 at 6:27 am
Something is going on at the former churches.
Looks like the roof is being taken off.John
18 Oct 18 at 10:29 am
Asian Express is planning on moving into this building...
24 Jan 21 at 4:50 pm
This is now a Pizza Hut.
After watching a Season 9 episode of American Dad, I sort of wondered if there were any Church's Chickens left. Apparently 2. One off 321 and another on Two Notch.
Something I didn't know was that the franchise is called Church's Texas Chicken.
Either way, it was my least favorite fast food chicken.
5 Feb 25 at 4:54 pm
The marquis just about sums up why I don't eat at Church's