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Piggly Wiggly #189, 1123 South Lake Drive : 11 November 2017   9 comments

Posted at 11:02 pm in closing



















Well, another day, another Pig. I wasn't even aware there was a place called Red Bank in the Midlands until I started this blog, but there's actually a good bit of commercial activity there near the I-20 intersection. Although now there's a little less..

As commenter Homer mentions, with the closing of this store, the only footprints the chain has left in the area are the North Main Street & Devine Street stores, and with the adding of this closing, I will have, if I am counting correctly, 19 closings for Piggly Wiggly. How have the mighty fallen.

(Hat tip to commenter Jimmy)

UPDATE 12 January 2018: Add store number as found by commenter Andrew to post title.

Written by ted on November 28th, 2017

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9 Responses to 'Piggly Wiggly #189, 1123 South Lake Drive : 11 November 2017'

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  1. It's looking like the grocery business has two successful models... Nice with an over the top customer experience (Publix, Lowes Foods) at a premium price - or cheap (Walmart, Aldi). Piggly Wiggly delivered a Walmart experience with Publix prices.


    29 Nov 17 at 12:53 pm

  2. This intersection is strange. There was a Winn Dixie Marketplace across Highway 6 that closed late 90's or early 2000's, and the space sat empty for 10 - 12 years! Government offices now occupy the space.

    The Piggly Wiggly felt cheap and dirty, almost like they built it as cheap and fast as possible. Heath is correct above - if your store feels low rent then have low prices. This place didn't. The prices were comparable to Publix/Food Lion and selection was bad. We only went there for convenience, nothing more.

    Oddly enough, they tried to seem more upscale by installing a 'Growler Station' and the shopping center itself has improved over the years. A bank was built in the parking lot mid-2000's and a Dunkin' Donuts moved into a space down from the store.

    Andy Farmer

    19 Dec 17 at 9:08 am

  3. This was Piggly Wiggly #189 according to notes I've found...


    28 Dec 17 at 5:52 pm

  4. Bi-lo has been remodeling stores and they remodeled one in greenwood that once was that took down the piggly wiggly look that the bi-lo had I wonder if they will remodel the piggly wiggly store into a actual brand new bi-lo


    10 Jul 18 at 7:11 pm

  5. My family would shop at this store when I was a kid. I'd still rather shop there than the disgusting walmart down the highway.


    14 Oct 20 at 4:12 am

  6. I agree with Micheal on preferring this store vs. Walmart...I haven't had any issues finding what I need without setting foot in any Walmart as I've gotten put out by the tendency to push people to self-checkout with an attitude that left a lot to be desired (It's been at least 1.5 years since I've been in a Walmart) which happened the last couple of times I was in one. Fortunately Publix is there now and they've had a Food Lion there for years. I'd love to see a different grocer (KJ's IGA seems like the most likely candidate) move in as it would be a convenient stop for me on the way home from work...


    14 Oct 20 at 11:27 am

  7. Folks, Variety Wholesalers has plans to open a Roses in this spot...


    1 Apr 21 at 8:41 pm

  8. Folks it appears to me as if Roses Express is now open...


    10 Sep 21 at 10:31 am

  9. I worked here when i was 17....I'm 37 now and these pictures bring me back to a much simpler time. Lexington/Redbank has been experiencing a tremendous boom in growth and now it's the norm to talk about the horrible traffic to and from work...


    4 Dec 21 at 11:07 pm

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