Archive for the ‘ice cream’ tag
Dairy Queen, 462540 State Road 200 Yulee Florida: Fall 2017 4 comments
I noticed on my last trip to Fernandina, that this old-school Dairy Queen on historic Florida Route A1A, just off of I-95 in Yulee Florida was closed. (You can see it, poorly, in operation in the first shot).
If I had to guess a cause, it would be the interminable road construction on this stretch of A1A, which has made this parking lot almost inaccessible, especially if west bound. Of course the walk-up design has its drawbacks as well: One review advises eating in your car to avoid the no-see-ums.
For now the nearby produce & souvenir stand is holding on despite the acess problems. I would be sad to see that go, as it has been there forever, and always has good citrus & candies.
UPDATE 12 June 2024: Update tags.
Sandy's Famous Hot Dogs, 5175 Sunset Boulevard Suite 13: 31 December 2019 3 comments
This Sandy's was in Lexington in the same plaza as McAlister's Deli. I never ate at this one -- If I'm going to drive out to this area to eat, it's probably Uno.
Here again is a story on the owner's retirement.
I believe I have now covered all of the Sandy's locations that were open until the end. As I recall, there was a location on Parklane once, maybe I'll try to find that building someday.
Chocolate Monkey, 5341 Sunset Boulevard Suite C: 29 July 2018 no comments
Although I did not know it, Chocolate Monkey is a small family owned chain of candy shops. As their Facebook explains, the owners have moved to Tennessee to run the stores there, and keeping up with the lone South Carolina store from there was just a bridge too far.
That's a good looking strawberry!
(Hat tip to commenter James R)
Marble Slab Creamery, 929-D North Lake Drive: July 2015 4 comments
I had come from Pizzera Uno to the Pastime Pavilion in Lexington to see a movie. In point of fact, I was hoping to still find the latest Mad Max move showing though it was dropping out of first run at the time. I had done a quick google before leaving home, noting that the time and place for Max would make it convienient to a restaurant I hadn't been to for a while.
It all went well until I got to the theater and found that I should have taken time to click on the movie descriptions as well as times as the movie turned out to be about a dog.
Anyway, as I was walking back to the car in sort of disgusted amusement, I noticed the plaza's Marble Slab Creamery was closed. There were no explanatory notes or signs, but cleary the place had been cleaned out even though the marquee was still up.
Hooligan's Deli & Ice Cream, 4880 Forest Drive Suite 26: Early May 2015 1 comment
Well, I was sorry to see this. Hooligan's has been a long-time presence at Trenholm Plaza, and has continued the ice cream tradition that started in that location with Edisto Farms Dairy.
I didn't go to Hooligan's that often, but they were dependable, and had excellent ice (the chewy kind) for the drinks. At one time, when my eldest niece was in her terrible twos, Hooligan's was the only place my sister could take her out as it was kid friendly, and cranky-kid friendly.
(Hat tip to commenter mamarose)
UPDATE 29 January 2018: According to The State, this is to be BLD Diner
a hip version of the American classic diner, offering everything from omelets and fresh squeezed juice in the morning to a full prime rib dinner in the evenings
UPDATE 14 May 2018 -- The sign for BLD Diner is up:
UPDATE 6 August 2018 -- BLD Diner is now open in this slot:
Bruster's Real Ice Cream, 202 Graces Way: Mid January 2015 1 comment
This closing was noted last week on Have Your Say where there was some speculation that Bruster's would have done better on Two Notch than tucked away by Carabba's on Graces Way.
I'm not sure I agree as the Graces Way lot effectively fronts Sparkleberry, and sits right across from Spring Valley High School, which had to be, I think, a factor in the store's siting. Given that all the other Bruster's in Columbia have shut down, and that the only Grand Strand location has as well, I tend to think the whole "no inside seating" concept is iffy. Think about it. The fact that Baskin Robbins has seating gives it a whole season (plus rainy summer days) during which it can draw and Bruster's can't. Where are you going to take the kids' basketball team for ice cream after the game in January? Probably not to a place with outside tables only.
I took the daylight pictures on Saturday 24 January 2015, at which time a crew was actively getting the equipment out of the store. As you can see in the night pictures, the menuboards are already gone.
And just as an aside, I *do* think the Graces Way siting works against Carabba's. They have just reduced their hours, which is Sign #1.
(Hat tip to commenter Mr. Hat, making it a Hat hat tip..)
UPDATE 6 October 2016 -- Now a Pelican's SnoBalls:
UPDATE 30 August 2021: Updating tags and adding map icon.
Marble Slab Creamery, 141 Pelham Drive: November 2014 (moved) no comments
I was at Panera on Garners Ferry this evening and I noticed that the Marble Slab Creamery has moved across the parking lot from the Cici's wing of the shopping center to the Panera wing. The new location is actually the old Starbucks location which became vacant when Starbucks moved into the old Qdoba location.
Bruster's Real Ice Cream / Nathan's Famous, 378 Columbiana Drive Suite 1: November 2012 7 comments
While their closing note is hopeful, the real estate sign in the window and their recent facebook traffic is not. It looks like this combination Bruster's Real Ice Cream and Nathan's Famous on Columbiana Drive is gone.
I don't think I've ever had a Nathan's frank, but the few times I've had Bruster's ice cream, it's been perfectly fine. I do rather question their no-dining-room concept. I think that hurt the one on Beltline and the one in Murrells Inlet. This one actually seems to have more in the way of picnic tables and outside benches than those did though. I wonder too if some of these Columbiana/Harbison places are a victim of the Yogi Berra Effect:
Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded.
It was not a particularly peak time when I took these pix, and it was still a bit of a wait to turn left into the complex -- and that's when I had made it that far. Another trip to look into the reports of Chick-Fil-A closing in the mall got aborted when I came down the hill from St. Andrews Road and saw the backup from Bowers Parkway on -- I just pulled a you-ie and 180-ed out of there..
(Hat tip to commenter Mike)
UPDATE 3 October 2018 -- As mentioned by commenter Tom, and as you can (barely) see in the picture below, this is now a Tony's Pizza:
UPDATE 30 August 2021: Updating tags.
Dairy Queen / Phines Beauty Salon / Fresh 2 Def / My Pleasure Hair Studio / Carolina Trucking & Demolition Services / Carolina Camera Repair Service Inc. / 93 Octane LLC, 5102 Fairfield Road / 5104 Fairfield Road: 1970s etc 1 comment
I was driving down Fairfield Road when this building next to the Food Lion caught my eye. It looked very much like a number of the old-school Dairy Queen buildings in town.
Sure enough the ad (reposted above) lists a Fairfield Road location. The only slight difficulty is that it gives the address as 5104 Fairfield Road while the current address (written in quite large letters) for the building is 5102 Fairfield Road. I pretty sure there has been a minor renumbering at some point over the last 40 years.
Googling for the new address turns up a large number of tenants at the building since it was a DQ. The only one I might have ever heard of is the camera repair operation, and if so it was so long ago that I can't be sure.
UPDATE 10 February 2025 -- Now purple:
Also adding map icon and tags.
Happy Frog Gelato Cafe, 11107 Broad River Road Suite F: May 2012 no comments
I confess I had not known about Happy Frog Gelato Cafe until commenter Eddie mentioned that it had closed. I'm guessing that that probably happened at the end of May, but the place has already been comprehensively stripped. In fact, I couldn't make out which unit in the strip mall had been Happy Frog without walking from one end to the other and looking at the interior setups. In the event it turned out to be the leftmost unit on the main row of storefronts.
The walk was rather instructive as it appears that most of the units in this strip have never been occupied by anything, and are awaiting interior finishing touches specific to whoever finally moves in. Given that the Food Lion anchoring the development has been open since 2008, this seems a bit disappointing (though the Food Lion itself is very nice and seems busy).
(Hat tip to commenter Eddie)