Archive for the ‘Fatz Cafe’ tag
Fatz Cafe, 179 East Corporate Center Drive (Clinton): August 2023 no comments
Here's a Fatz I missed back during the chain closing as it's in a place I rarely drive by at the first I-26 exit for Clinton. I noticed it a few times while it was empty, but was always past the exit by the time I saw it, and now it has been repurposed as a Mexican restaurant, El Poblano.
The approach is a bit odd in that you basically have to go through a gas/convenience store's parking lot to get back to the restaurant and hotel. I did not try the restaurant, but it has generally good reviews (as always with a few one-star ones thrown in).
Fatz Cafe, 212 Wall Street (Camden): 23 August 2023 2 comments
This was the Fatz location in Camden. As of 10 September 2023, there is still muzak playing on the patio (as was the case for the Florence location. This building is on a nice parcel very convenient to I-20, so I suspect something will move in before long.
Fatz Cafe, 2494 Church Street (Conway): 2019-ish 1 comment
Here's another former Fatz, this one on US-501 in Conway on the main drag towards the beach.
Google reviews suggest this was re-purposed as an Asian buffet sometime around 2019.
Fatz Cafe, 2007 West Lucas Street (Forence): 23 August 2023 3 comments
The Florence Fatz Cafe still has a billboard on I-95, and the music in the foyer is still playing, but like all the rest, this location is now history.
Apparently the Southern 500 had just been run, and I had a heck of a time getting out of here and back onto I-95!
Fatz Cafe, 942 East Main Street: 23 August 2023 8 comments
I don't suppose this is a big surprise: We have all noticed Fatz closing locations without adding any new ones, but still I was expecting it to take longer.
The news came last week that the whole chain has shut down, with some reports of bankruptcy filings, though no actual links to such.
This store in Lexington was the last Midlands location, and I had never eaten there, but I would drive by from time to time, and observe that it seemed to be doing a reasonable business. In fact, as I was taking these shots, several cars wandered in, looking for a meal.
It's a good sized building, and there are already an Asian buffet and a San Jose in the general area, so we'll have to see what happens next here.
Here are stories on the chain closing shop in The Index Journal, The State & The Greenville Sun.
(Hat tip to commenter Alan)
Fatz Cafe, 5590 Forest Drive: 10 comments
Judging by reviews, this Fatz may have been closed on a temporary basis since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, but now they have made it permanent.
To the best of my memory, this location is the only Fatz at which I have eaten. It would have been while I was living out of town, in the late 1980s, or early 1990s I think, and I was not impressed. I remember distinctly thinking something like Secret Sauce?: Mayo!
Now, I may have come on the wrong night, or ordered the wrong thing, because the Yelp reviews of the three Fatz locations I have looked at (this one, the one on Broad River Road and the one in Conway) show plenty of people who used to love the chain. They also show a recent precipitous decline in perceived food quality, service levels and physical plant maintainence. I just guessing here, but there seems to be a viscious circle going on with declining income leading to a decline in the things that bring in income. (By the way, what's up with both Yelp and Google showing reviews in other than newest first order? The recent ones are kind of the most important!)
It will be interesting to see what happens to this location, because while it is at an Interstate exit, it really isn't that easy to get to.
(Hat tip to commenter Thomas)
UPDATE 25 May 2021 -- This spot is now setting up to be another crab restaurant, The Juicy Crab:
UPDATE 13 September 2021 -- The Juicy Crab is now open in this spot:
Fatz Cafe, 7420 Broad River Road: December 2019 19 comments
I admit to having been completely underwhelmed the two (I believe) times I visited a Fatz. In theory I wanted to like a local chain made good, but in the event I just was not impressed. This location, on Broad River Road past Lake Murray Boulevard, was not one I had been to, though I was aware it was there. As commenter Heath (who provided some of these pictures, including the one showing that the power meter has been pulled) noted, there was no sign on the door, or any indication that the store was closed except for a makeshift barricade at the front, and the total lack of cars.
On the side of the lot there is a real estate sign, but it appears to pertain to the property behind Fatz, and as commenter Tom notes, the Fatz web site still lists this location, so I am not sure what is going on.
(Hat tip to commenter Heath for heads-up & pix)
UPDATE 31 August 2020: Update tags.
UPDATE 24 April 2024: Now an Konnichiwa Japanese restaurant:
Garfield's / Fatz Cafe / Queenstown Bistro, 1420 Colonial Life Boulevard: 2010 13 comments
While the Queenstown name rather intrigued me, with its New Zealand connection, everything I ever heard about the place led me to believe that it was way too seafood for me. I do seem to remember it getting rather good reviews though, and thus was a little surprised when I drove by a week or two ago and noticed that it was gone. Judging from their sign, the new operation Mayflower Bistro (just given as Mayflower in the phonebook) also seems seafood heavy for my tastes.
Before Queenstown this spot was Fatz Cafe ("Our secret sauce? Mayonaise!") a totally generic or worse place that I have never been able to warm up to despite its SC origins.
This little strip mall, Colonial Villiage across Bush River Road from Dutch Square and on the access road (Colonial Life Boulevard [which used to have a different name, I think]) for I-126 has never really seemed to thrive with about the only constant being the stalwart Melting Pot fondue restaurant.
UPDATE 20 July 2011: Added Garfield's to the post title based on the comments.
UPDATE 31 August 2020: Update tags, add map icon.