Archive for the ‘COVID-19’ tag
Cecilia's Mexican Restaurant, 6169 Saint Andrews Road: 25 November 2020 2 comments
I never got around to eating at this little Mexican place in Seven Oaks Shopping Center as it was really just too far away to be on my radar. Looking at their Facebook, there is a nice little closing note which cites the challenging times and leaves some hope for a phase two sometime in the future.
UPDATE 27 June 2022: Setting up to be By The Fire Pizza:
Blossom Buffet, 2515 Sunset Boulevard: 2020 (Now Open) 2 comments
I have written about this spot twice. Once when it was no longer a Quincy's and again when it was no longer a Maurice's BBQ.
After Maurice moved out, the original building was razed, and a new building was run up. It was to be a Blossom Buffet, and clearly looks stylistically similar to the Jasmine Buffet on Two Notch.
However COVID happened, and that fell through (that's my guess, anyway) and now the new, mostly finished, building is for sale.
UPDATE 29 June 2021 OK, mea culpa, this place is now in fact open as noted in the comments. The real estate sign that confused me and made me think the whole building was up for sale without the buffet opening is apparently for prospective retail space on the south side of the building:
UPDATE 2 March 2022: It turns out that Blossom Buffet is a moved and reflagged Happy China Buffet from down the street.
Base 10 Fitness, 2917 Rosewood Drive: 2020 1 comment
Base 10 Fitness was the follow-on operation in this building to Rosewood Florist. According to The State, they moved from the Fairgrounds area to this location sometime in the spring of 2018. Here are a few more details from a real estate site.
While I don't see anything online as to the cause of this closing, I would guess that COVID-19 was the proximate cause.
(Hat top to commenter MB)
Norton Car Stereo, 3326 Two Notch Road: October 2020 8 comments
I thought about going to Norton a few times, but they weren't open on Saturday, and Best Buy was, so that was the deciding factor there. I was a bit surprised to notice that there was a closing sign on the door (which I thought I took a picture of) saying they were shutting down temporarily due to COVID-19, but when I did a google search, I found that the building went on the market in October.
As far as I know the Broad River Road location is still open.
UPDATE 22 March 2021 -- Here are the pictures of the door sign I mentioned:
Hibachi Grill, 2343 Augusta Road: 2020 1 comment
While I was checking out Bi-Lo, I noticed that this Hibachi storefront in the same plaza was vacant. I can't find out much about it -- there is only one Yelp review, but I'm going to guess it was another COVID-19 casualty.
My Gym Northeast Columbia, 110 Forum Drive Suite 1: 2020 5 comments
My Gym was on a Sandhill endcap, on the Lowes wing. The last review I can find for them is about a year ago, so I am pretty sure this is another business closing we can chalk up to COVID-19.
This is the same suite that was originally home to The Grilled Cheese Company.
Deno's Fine Foods, 6161 Saint Andrews Road: 2020 23 comments
I have been holding off doing a post on Deno's because it wasn't clear exactly what their status is; however, at this point they are clearly closed for a long-term, if not forever, despite the fact that there is no real-estate sign, and all of the furnishings and equipment are still in the building.
Somehow I had it in my head that Deno's was a seafood restaurant, and so never went. Looking online now, I think I clearly would have liked the place. The last review I see on their Facebook page (which has not updated since 2014) is from February of 2020, so I think clearly COVID-19 was an issue here, and the roadside sign does mention that they were open for takeout for some time into the pandemic.
(Hat tip to commenter Barbara)
UPDATE 17 August 2021 -- The sign has been patched, but not re-logoed:
UPDATE 15 November 2023: Update tags.
Win China Buffet, 4464 Devine Street Suite E: Early 2020 1 comment
There was a question on Have Your Say recently as to whether the Chinese buffet in Crossroads Commons (down from the former Bi-Lo) was still open or not.
It's not. As far as I can tell from Yelp, it closed in early 2020. I'm guessing that COVID-19 played a role, but the reviews had been trending downwards for a while.
I don't seem to have a picture of it, but there is one here as part of the LoopNet listing.
The Lunch Box, 1305 Lady Street: 2020 4 comments
Here is another downtown place I was unaware of. Their still somewhat working web site says the place opened in 1981, so that's a nice long run. I'm unsure exactly when they closed, but I can't find any review newer than about a year old, so I am guessing that they probably closed during the early stages of the 2020 COVID-19 infestation.
I think they also had a second location in Jefferson Square.
These pictures come from Alan LEBON, so big thanks to him for that, and for commenter Justin for the heads-up.
(Hat tips to Alan LEBON & commenter Justin)
Ale House Lounge, 12 Tommy Circle: December 2020 no comments
Ale House Lounge (or as some listings style it: The Original Ale House Lounge) sits in a little plaza off of Beltline which, like Lake Wobegon, the decades cannot improve -- or at least to me it seems unchanged from the first time I saw it.
I can't find any media stories online about the closing, but commenter Joelc chalks it up to limited bar hours, presumably due to COVID-19.
(Hat tip to commenter Joelc)