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Maurice's Piggy Park, 9563 Two Notch: July 2018   7 comments

Posted at 12:29 am in closing











Somehow after all these years, I've never made it into a Piggie Park. Probably because I convinced myself at an early age that I didn't like barbecue (I've revised my opinion a bit), and didn't really realize they had other Southern items.

The State says the property is to become a car dealership. I would guess used cars.

The Clemson Road and Dentsville locations remain open.

(Hat tip to commenter Harry etc)

UPDATE 22 September 2020: Updating tags, adding map icon.

Written by ted on July 20th, 2018

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7 Responses to 'Maurice's Piggy Park, 9563 Two Notch: July 2018'

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  1. What Did You Said Andrew?


    20 Jul 18 at 8:09 am

  2. I made it there once over a decade ago when I worked in that area. One gripe I've always had with a lot of BBQ shops is that they claim to cook over wood, I'm pretty sure they wait until the wood turns to embers before throwing it under the meat. I like my BBQ a lot smokier. (Midwood BBQ next to Whole foods understands this)

    That being said, the pork on the buffet actually had a little bit of a smoke flavor. The price of the buffet ($11) was a little steep for me to come back.

    Mr BO

    20 Jul 18 at 8:19 am

  3. When I heard that a Maurice's location closed, I was assuming it was a drive thru location similar to the one in Lexington or St. Andrews. I don't see how those places stay in business, they never seem busy and take forever when they do have business.


    20 Jul 18 at 9:28 am

  4. There are still 10 Piggie Parks open around Columbia, and 1 in Santee. The 2 mentioned on their notice are just the 2 closest to this closed location.


    20 Jul 18 at 11:02 am

  5. I'm surprised they are still in business. Ed is right, I went to this one about 3 years ago. Nobody was in the place but it still took forever to get my food.

    Just think how different it would be if never said what he said and if he never had the pamphlets in his store. He threw away a growing, successful business for his personal beliefs that had nothing to do with the business. smh.


    20 Jul 18 at 2:27 pm

  6. Isn’t Carolina gold bbq sauce really Maurice’s bbq sauce under a different name?


    20 Jul 18 at 11:08 pm

  7. I used to eat there about once a month and, like Sidney said, there was never anyone there. I can also say the same for the Irmo location. There never seems to be enough customers to warrant them staying open.

    Robert, from what I gather, Carolina Gold is Maurice's. They changed the branding after all of the hoopla about Maurice went on and grocery stores pulled his sauce off the shelves....


    22 Jul 18 at 10:53 pm

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